minoxidil- Foam Vs Liquid. Some Advice Plz


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Im using liquid minoxidil once a day. Seems to work ok. It does however even once a day dry my scalp out and create the white flakes and dandruff.

I was thinking of moving to the foam. Seems that it dries quickly and isnt oily meaning i can use twice a day. I didnt use liquid in mornings as i cudnt style my hair with that gunk in it.also ive heard foam doesnt dry scalp as much.

I currently use kirkland liquid. Do they do foam too?

Whats your thoughts guys?? Stick to liquid or go foam? I know liquid suppose to be better but im willing to lose some efficinecy if the product doesnt leave my hair oily mess..


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My Regimen
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Foam is 100% better in the state it leaves the hair after application. I would actually go as far as to say my hair looks better after i apply it, it kind of acts like a styling product. But the negatives are, i don't think it is as effective and its a lot harder to actually get the foam to reach the scalp especially if you have long hair.

For the ease of application i may actually make a switch from the foam to the liquid with a dropper.


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Part the hair in the middle, melt the foam in your fingers a bit, then apply it along the part line from the crown to the front. This way it makes contact with your scalp and isn't wasted in your hair. Kirkland makes foam too.


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Another option is to continue using the liquid, but use only at night, and use double the amt. you'd normally use for 1 application. Anyway its what I do.


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I think ill go foam. Heard alot of ppl say its almost like styling mouse and dries quick and adds bit of volume almost. Sounds good to me. Maybe not as effective but minoxidil isnt doing much for me anyways and i take it as more of add on to finasteride rather than getting regrowth from it.

Will pick up some kirkland to keep consistent and try twice a day now that it wont be oily.