minoxidil for diffuse thinners


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Here's the lowdown. I've been on Propecia for nearly 3 years and my hair was greant until about 6 months ago. Added Nizoral and a MegaMan multi-vitamin.
I was afraid to add minoxidil, but I'm thinking I should just do it.
Whats the best way to use minoxidil if I'm a diffuse thinner. Basically everwhere on my head is thin and I'd like to thicken it up. No clean baldspots yet, just thin all over.
Anyone else like that and using minoxidil successfully?


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I have the exact same type of male pattern baldness and have been considering this the past few weeks as well. I am also interested to know 1)if diffusers have had success with this and 2)how did they go about applying it? Perhaps someone who does not have a shaved head?


Thats funny i came on tonight to post almost that same qestion, So i will add my part and not start a new topic.

How long dose it take for minoxidil to start to work and how bad is the shedding?


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I've been on minoxidil for... um... about 6 months or so. I'm a diffuse thinner also, though it's not bad yet and I have no bald spots either. It's really difficult to judge how well it's doing, the most noticable benifits have been on my hairline which was starting to go back but seemed to thicken up from minoxidil use. As far as the diffuse thinning, I cant really say for sure, if there has been any progress it's certainly not cosmetically noticable, yet. You say your hair got bad while you were on propecia? sh*t... I just got on propecia about 4 week ago, i'm hoping it helps my hair count stand strong. Good luck.


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Oh... as far as applying minoxidil for diffuse thinners I usually end up putting 2 mg on per application, twice daily. I just run the dropper along the top of my scalp while letting a little out as it moves along, then just rub it all in. Its gross though, and its a b**ch, especially in the morning cuz it makes your hair greasy and u'r supposed to keep it on for four hours. What you might want to do is set your alarm for 3 hours before you gotta go to work or school, keep the minoxidil next to your bed and apply it then, though that would probably leave your pillow kind of gross after a while.


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fallicule said:
Oh... as far as applying minoxidil for diffuse thinners I usually end up putting 2 mg on per application, twice daily. I just run the dropper along the top of my scalp while letting a little out as it moves along, then just rub it all in. Its gross though, and its a b**ch, especially in the morning cuz it makes your hair greasy and u'r supposed to keep it on for four hours. What you might want to do is set your alarm for 3 hours before you gotta go to work or school, keep the minoxidil next to your bed and apply it then, though that would probably leave your pillow kind of gross after a while.

Not to mention that it could end up in your face leaving you with a hairy nose after a few years. ;D


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Dont fret about the propecia. It has helped me tremendously. Pop the pill once a day and try to forget about it. You'll be really happy.