Minoxidil for front hair



Despite what is instructed by the manufacturer, I have applied Minoxidil 5% on the front part of scalp for the past couple of months. Amazingly, I am seeing regrowth of very thin hairs (perhaps as thin as thin hairs on arms) on the front part of scalp. Has anyone experienced the same? How long usually does it take for these thin hairs become as thick as the existing thick hairs?


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Yes, me too. See my post on "peach fuzz". I noticed this 4 days after starting minoxidil (6 days after starting proscar). Initially they were all white vellus hairs about 1 mm in length. Now, about 3 weeks into treatment the layer is more dense, average length about 3 - 4 mm, but there are some areas with thin, but longer (7mm) black strands.
At first I wandered if I might be overinterpreting/misinterpreting what I was seeing, but something is definitely happening.
I can't say if this is the beginning of something significant or the end of a false start. Time will tell. Good luck with yours!

Molecular Help

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Regrowth in a matter of days? That seems impossible! Its great if thats what it is but I too noticed mini hairs in areas where I'm thinning soon after beginning treatment- I believe though that they are just minaturized hair thats been there for awhile and I didn't notice till I looked hard enough.

From all that I've read it takes at least 3 months to notice any signs of regrowth- unless perhaps in very good responders?


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Molecular Help,

It is true that the hair growth I described is happening. However, I have a scar along my hairline from facelift/browlift surgery which was done 3 weeks prior to the beginning of this growth. What I don't know is whether I shed my vellus hair (shock loss from the surgery) and just by coincidence it began regrowing at that time. I did not have much of a shed of my regular hair and it never occured to me to monitor the vellus hair until I started finasteride and minoxidil. The desire to better hide the scar is what focused my attention on my male pattern hairloss problem. Probably a blessing in disguise.

It is also my understanding that minoxidil is used to stimulate recipient follicle hairgrowth and shock loss hairgrowth following hair transplants. How effective it is for this I don't know. Like the rest of us I'm just trying to make the best of this hairloss situation.

This is the problem when adding more than one treatment at a time; it is difficult to pinpoint if something is working, which of the treatment(s) / factors is doing it.


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I've also noticed the same thing, but after using Rogaine for 4 months now, the hairs seems to be staying in that phase. Been thinking about using lasercomb, since it's suppose to make the hair stronger even in the frontal area. Maybe it could give a chance to those small hair to become stronger.