minoxidil - Hairline Question (minoxidil Users)


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My Regimne is Only Propecia and i have a big problem on the hairline its thinning and hair amount is decreasing

Im thinking of using minoxidil with Propecia,

The Question is : If i use minoxidil with propecia, Does minoxidil make a negative effect on healthy hair?



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From the faq:
Q: What's the best hair loss treatment?

A: There is no simple answer to this. No one treatment is spectacular for the average individual. However, there are a few treatments that yield decent results for a majority of people. (Decent is defined here as cessation of further hair thinning and perhaps some regrowth, ranging from a little to moderate.) Some people do respond unusually well--but then some don't respond at all. Most fall somewhere in between.

Since there are multiple factors in pattern loss, it is wisest to approach the problem from several angles to maximize results, as some treatments are complementary and address different underlying causes. A common fundamental approach is to use an "antiandrogen" of some kind, whether systemic (such as finasteride) or topical (such as Spironolactone or azelaic acid), and a growth stimulant such as minoxidil. To this basic program many add a topical SOD. Other options include therapeutic shampoos, such as the antimicrobial and growth stimulant shampoos. Still other approaches that may help include dietary and nutritional considerations and even lifestyle modifications. There are many adherents to such a "kitchen sink" approach.

You can also start with a single treatment, though due to the long lag time before you can actually verify efficacy, this can be very hit and miss and may bring less than optimal results by only addressing one aspect of a larger problem.

I'd say you're fine with using both... Try Nizoral shampoo as well to complete the "Big 3" regimen. (Like me!)