minoxidil + hairline!


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I'm a lucky guy who's been on finasteride for almost 10 years (I was part of a clinical study in Montreal for hair loss) and it has worked miracles. Combined with Nisim shampoo, i have more hair than i did at 25.

But i lost a fair bit of hair at the front of my scalp (hairline) such that a bad haircut gives me a bit of a "comma" look. So i just started on minoxidil 2%.

Is there ANY EVIDENCE that this will help in this area? I'm thick at the crown, and just applying it at the front.

Any positive, negative or neurtral experiences?

Thanks SO much.


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tohair said:
I'm a lucky guy who's been on finasteride for almost 10 years (I was part of a clinical study in Montreal for hair loss) and it has worked miracles. Combined with Nisim shampoo, i have more hair than i did at 25.

But i lost a fair bit of hair at the front of my scalp (hairline) such that a bad haircut gives me a bit of a "comma" look. So i just started on minoxidil 2%.

Is there ANY EVIDENCE that this will help in this area? I'm thick at the crown, and just applying it at the front.

Any positive, negative or neurtral experiences?

Thanks SO much.

ten years??? and you have basically maintained then you would say??? and is it just recently that you have started to thin in the front? sorry didn't mean to answer your question with a question.

The good news: Yes! there is plenty of evidence that minoxidil works at the hairline, the trouble is you may have a slight shed do to starting the new treatment (sucks, thats just how it usually works) but you have to push through it and i think you have a pretty good shot of getting some regrowth up front. secondly, why screw around with the 2%? i would just go ahead and get the 5% minoxidil, it has been clinically proven to regrow more hair than the 2%, and you want each application to be that much more effective.

please, more info on your experiences with propecia, its so rare to find someone that is on this treatment for that long (i don't think i've ever heard of anyone on it for ten years!) can you go into more detail with your treatment process? thanks so much for your time, and best of luck!


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that link is great! thanks for the extra info.

First, I'm on 2% because i'm in Canada, and 5% is extremely expensive as it's only avail by prescription. Perhaps I'll order the 5% online.

Yes, i first started proscar in 1995, as part of a clinical study on the efficacy for hair loss. I was put on 1.25mg of the pill (this wasn't some double blind thing with placebos). At 3 months - nothing. At 6 months - nothing. At 7 months - nothing. But, the doctor proposed that i keep taking the drug for a full year, just so see if i might be one of the few who responds late to the therapy.

At about 8 or 9 months, i started to see new hairs, and the balding at the top of my head decreased incredibly. The bald patch at the top of my head (albeit fairly small) completely covered over, and the over-all thickness of my hair increased. I have always remained a bit thin at the front of the scalp though, which is why i am now trying minoxidil.

I have to say, given the history of baldness in my family, and the rate of baldness that i was experiencing, i would be bald today if it wasn't for the intervention. As it is, i don't think many people think of me as "balding" when they loook at me.

So there's the story.



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While minoxidil works on the hairline as well as anywhere else, it is very unlikely that you will recover any hair lost more than four years ago. Scar tissue forms and basically covers the follicles, preventing hair regrowth.

too bald too furious

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Hi tohair,
thanks for posting your story. Very nice to hear that you could maintain for 10+ years with Finasteride alone.

I have some questions and I will appreciate your answers :

1. What shampoo(s) did you use all this while or have been using?

2. Any side effect?

3. Did you father a child in this 10 years?

4. What do u take now..Proscar or Propecia?


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I have been using Nisim shampoo for years, in fact for about a year before i started on proscar. It seemed to slow down my hair loss quite a bit.

No kids!

I had no side effects at all.

I am still on Proscar, because the treatment costs about $15 per month - MUCH LESS than propecia.

There you have it


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tohair thanks you have been a great help, if you look through some of the pictures on the front page you can see that minoxidil does work on the hairline it is just that rogain did not go through the FDA for the hairline just the crown. I was wondering if you think it makes a big deal to use 1/5 proscar as opposed to 1/4. I saw that you said you did not see anything until month 8 well after month 8 how fast was your growth or was it still a slow and steady process. I have been on it 8 months exactly and my hair is looking not so good. Any help would be great. Thanks for your input.


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i would stick with it. I honestly had pretty much given up hope during my last visit with the doctor, but i saw results about a month later. Since then, i've only been off the pills 3 times, for about 4-6 months each time. I haven't noticed any major loss of hair during those periods.

I figure i'm now doing just about everyting i can - minoxidil, propecia and nizoral, along with nisim shampoo. oh, by the way, i know a lot of ppl are hard on topical shampoos like Nisim, but it really did stop my hair loss. And once the function of proscar was explained to me, i found it very interesting to discover that Nisim contains saw palmetto... so, i'm a believer.

I just hope the minoxidil starts to work soon.