minoxidil has given me pubes for hair



I’m losing the hair loss battle basically.

I’ve been on finasteride for over a year now and it hasn’t helped a bit. My hair has got considerably worse. I can’t grow it out at all and have it look acceptable. It is too thin on top. I’ve gown it out for 2 weeks and it looks like pubic hair on top of my head. It’s way too diffused and a far cry from hair that I would regard acceptable.

I have shaved it for the last year or so, and my hair has gotten worse. The treatments have been false hope and a massive disappointment. I wasn’t even in that much of a bad way when I started, but I did commit the cardinal error and stopped minoxidil for 3 months.

That was it for me. I had a massive shed and 6.5 months after re-starting minoxidil, it hasn’t recovered.

My current situation, is using the treatments to keep my hair at the embarrassment level. I don’t leave my house without a hat, and I feel embarrassed by this every day. I hate feeling this way, but I can’t help it. I’m using these treatments religiously to have my hair look terrible.

I cannot get away with shaving my head. I don't regard myself best looking person in the world, so the shaved look doesn’t really work on me. I look like a thug/criminal, but I have no choice.

I’m just exhausted mentally. Exhausted because of the constant worry of all this. I feel down all the time and rarely look forward to anything. I just don a constant grimace on my face, resigned that people don’t understand (and never will) the difference this makes to a persons life.

After growing it out for 2 weeks, I look in the mirror and feel that it’s a lost cause. Things are never going to be the same for me again and there is nothing I can do about it. No one around me understands the problem and how big it is so, I’m just resigned to it and just get on it with it.
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Sounds like it's time for you to become a ragin' alcoholic!! :lol:

Seriously man don't be so down all the time. There's much more to life. Sure hairloss sucks but it's an amazing humbling exsperience. You'll come out of all this pain a better and more compassionate man. The more you let it bother you the more unattractive you'll seem. Be proud dude!! It sounds like your an amazing soccer player. Be proud of that. Confidence is the key. Just learn to be stronger from all this.

Keep your head up brother!!


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I too are in your same shoes...i wasnt on treatment as long as you but i was on minoxidil and spironolactone for about 4-5 months with no regrow or no sign off hairloss slowing down i felt like sh*t not only because im losing the hairloss battle like you but cant believe im paying for it to happen.

So what i have done is stop doing either of the treatments and im retiring to balding like so many before us......until maybe when there is a complete cure of some sort.

I know exactly how you feel ....worrying,anxiety,panic,anger its all there for me just like you.I feel this need to fit in for some reason and just like you i dont think i look good with a thinning shaved head and certainlly not a "to the skin" shave.

I have givin up and im over it.........ive teached myself to get over it by just trying to block it out by doing other things i like to, keep my mind off hairloss .Its hard but im at the point where is just not as important for me to keep worrying about hairloss as it is too live life.

Norwoodclimber is right there are worse things in life then just hairloss ive said this many times but i could have cancer or some illness that beats the living sh*t out of a hairloss worry.I know this is not what you want to hear cause you wish and hope and pray that it will get better but hairloss is a part of life that we dont want to experience just like aging skin and wrinkles to simple things like not having as much stamina as we used to

Its life we have to deal with it.To be honest i think nobody would give a sh*t if our hair didnt (in our minds) help us attract women and or fit in(do you really give a sh*t if a girl has a tan or not when it really comes down to it?)we are so into ourselves nowadays that thats all we see.everything has to look perfect to fit in everything must look good from CK models showing us what we should look like to girls magazines showing girls what to look like.We need to have carved bodies,thick hair,bronze tan,white teeth,big penises,and need to allways smell good.Its all bullshit, and the same goes with the way women look.Nobody is perfect even though we try so hard to strive to be.

Im just tired of it,tired of all the games, tired of all the ways we need to look like,im done and if i were you i would be to,relax,enjoy life and try to make the most with what you have.If thats not good enough for anybody else f***'em and if you think your not good looking enough for a women without hair and think that a girl will care you need to be motivated to think otherwise from you being hit in the nuts to being beat with hammers you need to stop thinking so negatively and start thinking about what you have not what your losing.If people look at you wierd f*** them if sombody says something about your hair f***'em.

Sorry if i strayed from the subject but you need to be positive in this situation if you want approval from women and or people in general.
By the way if you want to look good.......start working out and get a tan and i doubt people with look at your hair and or make judgement on you...and if somebody does make a comment odds are there jealous or looking for something to make them feel better.

PS.That Armani Exchange model Josy in your yahoo photos is hot.

The Gardener

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Gunner, I was at a club tonight and looked in the mirror and got mixed feelings. Of course, I am very glad I am one of the lucky ones who is getting regrowth, but I was almost tempted to post a message with the same title as yours, until I saw your message!

Now, I have nice regrowth, not a full hairline at all, but more like a guy with very high Phil Collins-like temples who has seen a good three quarters of an inch reduction in the bald area at the top of my temples. They are rounding off quite nicely, and not only sprouts, I have some thickness. Cosmetic hairline improvement!

The only problem is that these hairs seem to be genetically half head hairs and half pubic hairs! They are so curly!! I am very much hoping that these hairs, with continued successful treatment, will straighten out as they cycle through under the medication. I really hope so. And, if any long-term minoxidil users who have had regrowth have any personal experience with this situation I would very much like some encouragement! Actually, this was one of the major reasons that copper peptides sounded so enticing to me. I am really hoping that they help with this specific issue.

too bald too furious

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Guys...whats with this thread..ever since i came in the HairLossTalk.com forum..i thought there was hope..and I din necessarily have to go bald.
So depressing to read posts from Gunner and Blue. Gardener..your posts are always nice and filled with hope and encouragement...but seems even you are not gettin the ideal results.
After reading this thread..should i assume that Propecia and minoxidil stop working after 2-3 years and then hair loss is returned gradually to the original situation.
Why arent the long term users...who have had success maintaining/regrowing hair posting ...to encourage newbies like us.
My original plan was to start finasteride after 6 month use of minoxidil...but now i think i will go with minoxidil 5% and nizoral alone for 2-3 years till it loses its effectiveness...and then i will start finasteride and switch to a higher concentration of minoxidil like Dr. Lee's 15% concentration.
In this way..i will buy a total of 6-7 years...n perhaps i can then hope that some new cure is in the market.


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Gunner said:
I’m losing the hair loss battle basically.

I’ve been on finasteride for over a year now and it hasn’t helped a bit. My hair has got considerably worse. I can’t grow it out at all and have it look acceptable. It is too thin on top. I’ve gown it out for 2 weeks and it looks like pubic hair on top of my head. It’s way too diffused and a far cry from hair that I would regard acceptable.

I have shaved it for the last year or so, and my hair has gotten worse. The treatments have been false hope and a massive disappointment. I wasn’t even in that much of a bad way when I started, but I did commit the cardinal error and stopped minoxidil for 3 months.

That was it for me. I had a massive shed and 6.5 months after re-starting minoxidil, it hasn’t recovered.

My current situation, is using the treatments to keep my hair at the embarrassment level. I don’t leave my house without a hat, and I feel embarrassed by this every day. I hate feeling this way, but I can’t help it. I’m using these treatments religiously to have my hair look terrible.

I cannot get away with shaving my head. I don't regard myself best looking person in the world, so the shaved look doesn’t really work on me. I look like a thug/criminal, but I have no choice.

I’m just exhausted mentally. Exhausted because of the constant worry of all this. I feel down all the time and rarely look forward to anything. I just don a constant grimace on my face, resigned that people don’t understand (and never will) the difference this makes to a persons life.

After growing it out for 2 weeks, I look in the mirror and feel that it’s a lost cause. Things are never going to be the same for me again and there is nothing I can do about it. No one around me understands the problem and how big it is so, I’m just resigned to it and just get on it with it.

are you sure you're not just going through the shedding phase? i freaked out a little but it's getting better now.. been on proscar 6 months now. minoxidil for like 3 years. when you shed, just apply couvre until the hairs grow back.


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dont think about my negative post like that im just saying that everything doesnt work for everybody.I was one of those people who it might not have worked for even though i didnt use it for a prolonged period of time.

If you read my post you would have seen that i really dont give two shits about growing my hair back like i did when i came to this site.Dont change a good plan for yourself just by reading mine and gunners posts out of like the 1,000 people on this board,but what you do need to understand is that hairloss isnt the end of the world...thats one part of my post that was hope and encouragement....even though its something you dont want to hear cause you want hair so bad.


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Gunner, I checked your photos ... no offense but I recommend to read "Le malade imaginaire" by Molière.


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You have to cange something here...you cant keep feeling and living like this, seriously you could get sick or go deep into depression,

a lot of it is mental and ofcourse visual .....

try and get creative with cutting your hair if you can...I understand treatments arent working, you might need to look in to a hair system...i know thats nothing you want maybe but none the less an option..

please gunner, you cant keep living this way...not healthy bro..

The Gardener

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Blue, don't let my message discourage you. I am exaggerating a bit when I describe my hair as being pubic-like. I have nice results, but it is true that the new hairs have slightly more curl to them than the existing hair. Then again, my existing hair that was thin and curly before minoxidil has thickened and straightened out a bit. I think it is just a 'phase' so to speak. Keep on keepin' on.


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We encourage everyone to review Gunners hair pictures before deciding that treatments do not work. A lot of pessimism is in the minds eye, and reality will not correct what your brain is telling you sometimes. some people are just going to always be hopeless types because of what is going on inside their mind.



The pictures do *Not* do my situation justice.

My hair is thin and the light in the pictures make it look as if I don't have a problem.

I do.

I *cannot* grow my hair out.

I *could* about a year ago.

If you look at my August pics, I could grow it out.

I *can't* now.

Propecia hasnt worked for me.

minoxidil hasn't worked.

It's all straw clutching and false hope.

That's the reality.

Hairloss treatments have made me worse. I have pubes on my head. minoxidil realiant pubes.


Good Grief! another issue of Gunners Good Time News

Cheer up mate, you talk as if you are the lone afflicted soul dragging all of humanities woes behind you on an iron chain.

I know it can be difficult at times, but you really are not in bad shape, your posts suggest that people cross the road to avoid the risk of seeing you up close or pass out at your very sight.

If I had hair like yours I would be the f*****g happiest man in London, it really is not as bad as you make out, your biggest problem is your confidence.

I went through a similar period were I thought I looked like sh*t, but you have got to get through this, Having thin hair is not the end of the world, it just feels like it is.

good luck



if minoxidil and propecia is doing nothing for you stop taking them.


nexus81 said:
but now i think i will go with minoxidil 5% and nizoral alone for 2-3 years till it loses its effectiveness...

and then i will start finasteride and switch to a higher concentration of minoxidil like Dr. Lee's 15% concentration.
In this way..i will buy a total of 6-7 years...n perhaps i can then hope that some new cure is in the market.

bad plan!

leaving your follicles exposed to DHT for three years is not a good plan IMO
