minoxidil Help


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I need some advise from the hair loss experts on this form. Recently I've noticed my hair thin out fast. This happened after a bad breakup, were I lost about 20lbs in about 2 months, and there were many other stress factors in my life. I'm not trying to say it's stress induced hair loss, but I'm also not trying to say it isn't.

I've seen a dermatoligist. He said that my hair loss did not take the form of regular male pattern baldness, but also didn't say it definetly wasn't male pattern baldness (lots of help, hey). He said he could do a scalp biopsy if I'd like, but advise against it because they try to avoid surgery if possiable. There is some thinning in my family, but nobody is bald (i know that doesn't mean much, but to get the best advise from you guys I want to disclose everything).

So the dermatoligist gave me a perscription for 5% minoxidil, and told me it would help for both male pattern baldness and if it was stress induced. He also told me to come back in 3 months and we can discuss propecia if I'd like.

Well to keep this as short as possiable here are my questions:

1. Will minoxidil mess up my hair if it's not male pattern baldness?
2. Will it be effective if I use it once a day?
3. Should I hold off on the minoxidil for a couple months and see if any hair grows back on it's own?

Thanks in advance for any information anyone can provide me!


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regular male pattern baldness takes many forms. How bad is your hairloss? Is it diffuse thinning? describe it the best you can for us.

1....minoxidil shouldn't mess up your hair if it's not male pattern baldness. Just keep in mind that some people have a shed when they start any treatment.

2....It should be applied 2x/day to be effective.

3...That's tottaly up to you. How bout a definite, maybe.


Senior Member
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regular male pattern baldness takes many forms. How bad is your hairloss? Is it diffuse thinning? describe it the best you can for us.

1....minoxidil shouldn't mess up your hair if it's not male pattern baldness. Just keep in mind that some people have a shed when they start any treatment.

2....It should be applied 2x/day to be effective.

3...That's tottaly up to you. How bout a definite, maybe.