minoxidil is burning my scalp to death! Any Solutions?


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This stuff is really killing me, its itchy like crazy, and my scalp gets so red where I apply the minoxidil......is there any solution to this? Any cream to apply or something cuz I dont know if I can take this much longer it has to be bad for my scalp, plus its all red so people are like what's he doing up there bring more attention


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If it's really bad stop using it. You may be one of the few people that can't tolerate it. Maybe replace it with Folligen.


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I remember reading a post a while ago that said something about a special minoxidil that doenst have alcohol or something.....which i think is the reason it burns your head like that. Does anyone know what im talking about? Have you guys used it?


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makman said:
I remember reading a post a while ago that said something about a special minoxidil that doenst have alcohol or something.....which i think is the reason it burns your head like that. Does anyone know what im talking about? Have you guys used it?

You have many options. I have been fighting irritation for a long long time and I finally got it under control. You need to get irritation under control first before you can even begin to have success.

Here is what I did and maybe you should do this.

1 Drop Nizoral for right now. Some people it makes the irritation worse. I didn't say to toss it, just hold off for now.

2. What is called PPG in Minoxil makes the irritation worse for some. Go to http://www.regrowth.com. Order item #503 or #540.

#503 has less PPG than the regular store Minoxidil.

#504 has no PPG. Maybe for now you you should get this one.

So you place an order, the will email you tomorrow saying you have to be a patient first. You get an email with a form you print, fill out and send in. You then get an email saying your a patient. You then re-place your order and you will get an additional extra $20 charge for the first order. The other good thing about this stuff is, is that it dries in 30 minutes.

3. While you are waiting, drop to one minoxidil app per day until you get your irritation under control. If you must, go ahead and skip a full day but try not too.

4. I would really consider buying Folligen. It is cheap and lasts a very very long time. You use it once a day. The downside is that it makes your scalp green until you wash it off.

you can get Folligen buy clicking on the word from this site.


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Thanks cassin, im checking out the products as we speak........so since these have lower levels of that one element that doesnt have any bearing as to how effective it is does it? I have also heard that your scalp may just become use to minoxidil after 2 months or so and the redness will subside....thoughts?


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makman said:
Thanks cassin, im checking out the products as we speak........so since these have lower levels of that one element that doesnt have any bearing as to how effective it is does it? I have also heard that your scalp may just become use to minoxidil after 2 months or so and the redness will subside....thoughts?

re-read what I wrote my friend. I addressed the level issue. :)

Irritation at a certain extent may subside, but if it becomes red, the issues becomes a much more dire problem.