minoxidil is enough


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On the evidence of forummers here (scientific, it isn't, I know) it seems most people who obtain great results is due to minoxidil alone. Minoxidil seems to make the existing hair thicker and grow new hairs. It seems to me a lot of people have either damaged their results by adding peopecia or topicals that are said to have similar effect i.e. revivogen. A lot of people also claim to gain benefits by adding nizarol because it reduces or stops irritation. If minoxidil is the cause of hair regeneration, it poses the question of whether DHT is, in fact, the real cause of hair minituarization?


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mon said:
On the evidence of forummers here (scientific, it isn't, I know) it seems most people who obtain great results is due to minoxidil alone. Minoxidil seems to make the existing hair thicker and grow new hairs. It seems to me a lot of people have either damaged their results by adding peopecia or topicals that are said to have similar effect i.e. revivogen. A lot of people also claim to gain benefits by adding nizarol because it reduces or stops irritation. If minoxidil is the cause of hair regeneration, it poses the question of whether DHT is, in fact, the real cause of hair minituarization?

When I first used used minoxidil back in the late 80's it reversed my frontal hair loss almost perfectly until I reached my early 30's then the miniaturisation on my front hairline began to happen. Within 3 years my fringe had almost gone although I still had miniaturised fringe hair. I started on Proscar 1/4 a day + minoxidil and Nizoral 16 months ago and I have my fringe back to a cosmetically acceptable level.
I have no doubt that DHT is to blame for my hair loss. I am so grateful that I found this site. I spent many long evenings reading posts about what DHT was and on ways to treat this. In my case the finasteride has reduced my DHT levels enough to let the minoxidil grow extra hair and to return my fringe. I couldn't be happier.
So the answer to your question is yes it may be enough if you are younger and don't have aggressive hair loss but DHT will get your hair one day so finasteride or dutasteride is a must. Don't forget it's easier to maintain what hair you have rather than grow new hair.


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I know the feeling on this forum about saw palmetto, so I cautiously added it to my regiment. My urologist stated the it wouldn't hurt to use about 320 strength per day of saw palmetto but that there is no proof it will help with my hair loss. So about three weeks now, I added that as part of my regiment. My regiment, minoxidil extra strength twice a day, revivogen at night and 320 strength saw palmetto. I am happy thus far with some frontal regrowth and some crown, but more frontal. However, i am now battling itchiness and reddish rash around my forehead. I have added t-gell shampoo to relieve that.