minoxidil is pissing me off


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yes the foam is easy to use
yes it givs me more hair
but i still hate it
its really annoying to be so dependent on it ,taking a pill is so easy and i dont have to think about it one bit but putting that sh*t 2 times a day


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roki said:
yes the foam is easy to use
yes it givs me more hair
but i still hate it
its really annoying to be so dependent on it ,taking a pill is so easy and i dont have to think about it one bit but putting that $#iT 2 times a day

Ive grown to dislike using the foam too. Having that smell follow me around all day everyday! Gets on my pillow case (the smell, Its dry on my head) and my hat!


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foam 2.5 months ,liquid 1 month before
i started dislikeing it so much when i realised how dependent i am on it
i cant stop ,it really pisses me off


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not me, i love this sh*t! makes my hair look thick and excellent and it's growing hair on my hairline faster than weeds!

sure it sucks when i'm sweating at the gym, not wanting my pillow cases and hats to smell like rogaine, not wanting the smell of rogaine foam to fill the room when i remove my hat...and all that junk...but i have HAIR GROWING and i love it!

it takes 4 hours to do it's thing right? if i don't want a shower but i want that rogaine out 4 hours later i just run my head under the faucet, usually do this before the gym or before going out with my friends.


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If you value your hair you will put up with a bit of inconvenience, if not then you do not deserve to have hair.


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the rogaine slogan is "use it or lose it"

not "use it for morning and bedtime fun"


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"use it or lose it" :lol:
dietcola it gave me my hair back too,and now im depending on it,it makes me feel bad knowing i cant stop as losing my hair is just not an option
i just dont think ill ever be able to forget about hairloss like this
on the other hand if just taking a pill a day was enough i would forget about it allready
im just whinning ,at least i have hair so i shouldnt complain too much i guess...


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i just accept it. the same way i accept my abs are only abs with excercise and proper diet. my hair is only hair with a constant routine to maintain it. my hair is very important to me especially at my young age. it represents the youthful person i think i am, it makes me want to get out of my house and meet girls. no hair makes me want to sit here being a pathetic turd....i'd smear dog sh*t on my head twice a day if that's what it took.


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lets start a poll about the dog sh*t :lol:


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roki said:
foam 2.5 months ,liquid 1 month before
i started dislikeing it so much when i realised how dependent i am on it
i cant stop ,it really pisses me off

Where did you regrow hair? Did you shed much? I've just started one..


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How do you get the scent on your pillow, I don't get it bro. I've never had that problem.

And the smell is not that bad, and the application is easy. I would complain about the regular stuff, which takes a longassssssss time to dry


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UK78 said:
roki said:
foam 2.5 months ,liquid 1 month before
i started dislikeing it so much when i realised how dependent i am on it
i cant stop ,it really pisses me off

Where did you regrow hair? Did you shed much? I've just started one..
i did shed but not alot
all the top of my head is thin and it all got thicker
my left temple is receded like 0.5 cm and it just grew back
it really is amazing how good and how fast that sh*t grows hair


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Nathaniel said:
How do you get the scent on your pillow, I don't get it bro. I've never had that problem.

And the smell is not that bad, and the application is easy. I would complain about the regular stuff, which takes a longassssssss time to dry

No idea why the smell gets on the pillow. Maybe my head sweats while I sleep lol


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roki said:
UK78 said:
roki said:
foam 2.5 months ,liquid 1 month before
i started dislikeing it so much when i realised how dependent i am on it
i cant stop ,it really pisses me off

Where did you regrow hair? Did you shed much? I've just started one..
i did shed but not alot
all the top of my head is thin and it all got thicker
my left temple is receded like 0.5 cm and it just grew back
it really is amazing how good and how fast that $#iT grows hair

That's great, I can't wait to see what it does for me, I seem to be losing quite a bit at the moment.

Guy Legend

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If you hate the small that much, you can try Spectral DNC or Min Agent. They are supposed to be more effective, but are more expensive.


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AntzMK said:
is the foam smell bad???cause i am consdiering to buy it..LOL
it dosent smell bad in the convetional way
its more like a "good" smell and you might even like it
but the truth is it is way too strong and just smells like some very very cheap perfum you got on the flee market or something


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The smell isn't bad and doesn't smell "cheap"... what it dos smell like however is hair mousse, it has a nice smell a tad bit chemical but not really. No one has ever smelled it on me and I don't find that it gets on my pillowcase, but then again I only use some on the back right side of my head. most of it goes on the front hairline and sides for me. It really isn't that bad are you sure you guys are only using half a cap full? I have a feeling the people who are complaining about the smell are using wayy more than that.