minoxidil kicks ***!

Green Soap

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Been on it for three months (Edit - two months, this is my third). Norwood 2 - 3v. MSM and nizoral as well. I can attest to the synergistic effect of MSM and minoxidil.

I still haven't added anything else to my regimen and already my hair has drastically improved in both texture and thickness.

I haven't added anything else because I can't decide whether to go floridil or finasteride.

I'd like to go topical and save all weapons until they are needed. Until a permanent solution comes along.

All I can say, guys, is the minoxidil alone (with MSM and nizoral - 20 minutes every other day) in a very short amount of time is kicking mucho *** for me. I'd say I'm definitely a very postive responder at this point.

I haven't really grown any new hairs but the ones I do have are HEALTHY. Like Popeye after eating spinach healthy.

My temples which were very obviously thinning out are now full of the same hairs but they are DARK and seem to be filling in.

I feel like I'm going to make a good recovery I just need to know which product to add that will provide the anti DHT properties that I need for the long haul pull to the 10 year mark that saves us all.

Also, I've had *one* shed. It was scary, lasted about a week and a half, and has ended.

I feel like one of the blessed few who will kick *** on a regimen.

Maybe I'm speaking too soon but I know what my hair was like two months ago and this stuff is kicking major ***.

Good luck to all.


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You need to add Finasteride bud. If you can get 5yrs+ out of Finasteride you can always switch to Dutasteride.

Waiting till you need the "big guns" is waiting till it is too late. Finasteride isnt a regrowth agent. It is primarily a hair maintenance agent. So, if you're happy with your hair ***NOW*** is the time to get on it.

I would add a lightweight topical DHT inhibitor as well for good measure. I recommend zix w/ azelaic acid. It is pretty cheap and easy to use. However, spironolactone is another good one.

Good luck


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socks said:
I would add a lightweight topical DHT inhibitor as well for good measure. I recommend zix w/ azelaic acid. It is pretty cheap and easy to use. However, spironolactone is another good one.
Good luck

Oh yes, azelaic acid is really cheap. Unfortuanetely I've never seen any evidence that it reduces scalp DHT. :wink:


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Oh yes, azelaic acid is really cheap. Unfortuanetely I've never seen any evidence that it reduces scalp DHT.

Oh there is evidence that zinc, B6, and Azelaic acid in trio can reduce DHT by 95%-100%.

The problem is the study is in-vitro not in-vivo.


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Inhibition of 5 alpha-reductase activity in human skin by zinc and azelaic acid.
Stamatiadis D; Bulteau-Portois MC; Mowszowicz I
Laboratoire de Biochimie B, Hopital Necker-Enfants-Malades, Paris, France.
Br J Dermatol, 119: 5, 1988 Nov, 627-32

The effects of zinc sulphate and azelaic acid on 5 alpha-reductase activity in human skin were studied using an in vitro assay with 1,2[3H]-testosterone as substrate. When added at concentrations of 3 or 9 mmol/l, zinc was a potent inhibitor of 5 alpha-reductase activity. At high concentrations, zinc could completely inhibit the enzyme activity. Azelaic acid was also a potent inhibitor of 5 alpha-reductase; inhibition was detectable at concentrations as low as 0.2 mmol/l and was complete at 3 mmol/l. An additive effect of the two inhibitors was observed. Vitamin B6 potentiated the inhibitory effect of zinc, but not of azelaic acid, suggesting that two different mechanisms are involved. When the three substances were added together at very low concentrations which had been shown to be ineffective alone, 90% inhibition of 5 alpha-reductase activity was obtained. If this inhibition is confirmed in vivo, zinc sulphate combined with azelaic acid could be an effective agent in the treatment of androgen related pathology of human skin.


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socks said:
Oh yes, azelaic acid is really cheap. Unfortuanetely I've never seen any evidence that it reduces scalp DHT.

Oh there is evidence that zinc, B6, and Azelaic acid in trio can reduce DHT by 95%-100%.

The problem is the study is in-vitro not in-vivo.


Gimme a petri dish and some rat liver cells and I'll show you any substance to reduce DHT.


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socks said:

Posted the study above for your reading pleasure

I did read it already before like many others. Reading it many times doesn't change my attitude. Did you know that Green Tea is very potent in treating cancer ?


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Did you know that Green Tea is very potent in treating cancer ?

What isnt these days? :)

It seems everything falls into two groups:

1. Things that cause cancer

and the rest

2. Things that prevent cancer


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Finasteride was only approve by the FDA in a pill form which you need to swallow. So, the topical may not work at all.

The Gardener

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Great to hear your feedback. You are a responder, just like I was.

I don't mean this in a discouraging way at all, but I must say that I had the same reaction to minoxidil that you did. Existing, but thinning, hair grew in like a motherfucka. It made the cosmetic stylability of my hair exponentially better and I got lots of positive feedback from people telling me how great my 'new hairstyle' looked even though I had the same basic haircut I've had for years. It was awesome to hear that! But, the regrowth comes much slower... it comes, but after my 'initial burst' in which existing hair started growing to even thickness to my non-male pattern baldness areas, the regrowth areas took much more time and patience. I got discouraged for a while, but realized that the regrowth was not happening in a massive 'burst' but instead in a hair-by-hair progression from my 'widows peak' center forehead area outwards. I stuck with it, and my center forehead area is now much wider than it was before treatments. My advice is to not let the inital gains get to your head and stay religious to your 2x daily minoxidil. Add in Copper Peptides, and if you are looking for a good anti-DHT topical, add in spironolactone 2%. That, and patience, my dear friend.

too bald too furious

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This is great to hear teethering. :)
I have been on minoxidil and nizoral for 1 and half months now, yesterday night i was looking very close to my bare temples...and...very tiny baby hairs are coming. I got really excited.
Although no one can see it right now standing at a normal distance...but i am hoping that by the 6 month mark these tiny sprouts are standing high.
Keep us posted.
Good luck :hairy:

Green Soap

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Hey Gardener, you are a cool guy. You ever get that BBQ setup, I'm down to fly down. I'll hang out with you guys, could be extremely entertaining!

And thanks for the advice!


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Bismarck said:
socks said:

Posted the study above for your reading pleasure

I did read it already before like many others. Reading it many times doesn't change my attitude. Did you know that Green Tea is very potent in treating cancer ?

the hulk drinks green tea and this with much hair, but the sides effect is a green skin.