minoxidil + MSM alone are kicking *** for me.

Green Soap

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I'm approaching month 6 on minoxidil and my hair has gotten pretty thick...temples are essentially filled in, crown remains weakness but it's filling in as well.. Can run my fingers through my hair now instead of over it. I'm pretty amazed. It's starting to stand up straight again.

Ready to add finasteride soon, too.

Looks like I'm going to be able to coast to the cure. Whew.

Funny thing is, I don't even wear gel in my hair anymore. I used to have to trim it down really short and add gel to give it body and texture.

Now my hair looks good just dry.... I'm loving this. Plus I've been able to grow it out to 16mm from 9mm and it doesn't look stupid, totally nice.

Anyway, kissing the ground, I'm a good responder.

Green Soap

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Also, you can no longer see my scalp very well through my hair anymore. Truly a miracle. yay for me!


Senior Member
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yay for you is right, looks like you got lucky; and I like how you know your hair length down to the mm. Very observant of you.


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Deaner said:
yay for you is right, looks like you got lucky; and I like how you know your hair length down to the mm. Very observant of you.

Deaner, your hair is very long, too !



Teetering on the edge, good news sir!

great to hear :)

Are you sticking the MSM in your mouth on on yer head?(topical)



Green Soap

Established Member
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Twice a day, 4 Grams of MSM a day, two in the morn, two at night. I attest MSM to keeping the minoxidil on "full steam ahead"

I thank you all for the advice. I keep looking at my hair and I have to stop and stare sometimes. I cannot believe how much better it is.

Green Soap

Established Member
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Oh, her? that's my future trophy wife asking me if I want head now or should she cook me dinner first.


Teetering on the edge said:
Oh, her? that's my future trophy wife asking me if I want head now or should she cook me dinner first.

go for the head :freaked:


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I would go with head while eating dinner...or is that to much to ask for?


blue said:
I would go with head while eating dinner...or is that to much to ask for?

good time saving tip, this is the type of info you just can't buy.


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can we see a picture of your hair ?


gotta love stories like this :p

Green Soap

Established Member
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I'd post pics but since I don't really have any scientific baseline pics I'd be showing you some lame picture and then a close up of me now. I guess I'll see what I can come up with.

As it stands, I trimmed my hair way down today and looked into the big mirror in the large bathroom. This bathroom has much brighter lights than the one in my bedroom.

Anyway, I held a mirror and looked back into the brightly lit bathroom mirror and, my gosh, my crown is totally filling in. It's starting to look damned good back there. In fact, as I have been using it over the whole top of my head, every area of minoxidil contact is improving.

There was the de riguer disheartening shed but it came on as clockwork, right after the first three weeks and lasted about two weeks. That was it and it is just as the "manual" in the minoxidil box described would happen.

Funny thing is that I'm not excstatic over it like I assumed I'd be. I'm more cautiously happy but I imagine in about six or seven months when my hair is one solid piece of equipment I might allow myself a snicker or two.

Yup, looks like things are going swimmingly over here. Definitely one of the small percentage who experience very good regrowth on this stuff.

Now if one of you guys could give me a reliable place to get finasteride from, I will be adding that next month.


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Here here blue, you see ppl always say you need to go and never listen to anyone here, pish posh I doubt any dr would have given such valuable info, as time does equal money.


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Teetering on the edge said:
I'd post pics but since I don't really have any scientific baseline pics I'd be showing you some lame picture and then a close up of me now. I guess I'll see what I can come up with.

As it stands, I trimmed my hair way down today and looked into the big mirror in the large bathroom. This bathroom has much brighter lights than the one in my bedroom.

Anyway, I held a mirror and looked back into the brightly lit bathroom mirror and, my gosh, my crown is totally filling in. It's starting to look damned good back there. In fact, as I have been using it over the whole top of my head, every area of minoxidil contact is improving.

There was the de riguer disheartening shed but it came on as clockwork, right after the first three weeks and lasted about two weeks. That was it and it is just as the "manual" in the minoxidil box described would happen.

Funny thing is that I'm not excstatic over it like I assumed I'd be. I'm more cautiously happy but I imagine in about six or seven months when my hair is one solid piece of equipment I might allow myself a snicker or two.

Yup, looks like things are going swimmingly over here. Definitely one of the small percentage who experience very good regrowth on this stuff.

Now if one of you guys could give me a reliable place to get finasteride from, I will be adding that next month.

really lookin forward to the hair shots :) if you post with different styles, wet and etc it would be cool :lol: