minoxidil Question Please help!!!!


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Hi I'm just wonderin I have been on the big 3 for 7 weeks and I also take a multi vitamin I use 5% minoxidil once a day not twice. My hair already looks better and healthier. I notice many vellus hairs on my temples. I'm wondering if there also on my crown? I still have some coverage there and can't tell.Seems like I'm responding well so far.Before I apply the minoxidil I notice how dry my scalp looks it almost looks like there's cracks on it. I'm wondering if thats normal. It seems to be working well at once a day and I feel twice a day may irritate my scalp more. I have not tried twice a day yet and from what I have read here I may be Ok just going with the once a day. If you could give me your opinion I would appreciate it. I'm also wondering about Zinc and MSM what do ya think?