Minoxidil Question

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This has probably been asked 3,000 times before, but let's put it to bed.

If you were to use minoxidil for six months, then stop (and have the hair fall out) and then you start back up on minoxidil again, will the treatment work as well? I have heard people say that minoxidil (and finasteride, as well) would not work as well if you keep using them on and off, but that seems as if it wouldn't make sense; treatments are treatments, not permanent solutions. Anyone have any scientific data or logic on this one?



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yeah it will work
i went off for 5 months and my temples started to receed again
now im back on it for 2 months and seeing an improvement


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hate2shed said:
yeah it will work
i went off for 5 months and my temples started to receed again
now im back on it for 2 months and seeing an improvement

how much did your temples improve?


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Well my temples are now much better than they were 2 months ago,
i want to wait 6 months and see what result im gonna get..
they were getting pretty bad to the point i was embarassed to go out..
Shedding from temple area completely stopped...

I stopped minoxidil cuz i got over confident and lazy to apply minoxidil,
partly cuz i work nite shifts and its hard for me to come home and bother applying it..
It was a big mistake!!
Once u start minoxidil u r its slave for the rest of your life :cry: But i guess its better than not having hair

So better dont quit and just stay on it!!

Good luck!
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Why did I stop? A bunch of reasons. I thought my male pattern baldness was related to either depression or my poor eating habits. I thought my male pattern baldness was related to anti-depressants that I was taking. I stopped using minoxidil because I didn't fully appreciate that it takes a lifetime commitment.

There's more reasons that I could add to that, but chalk it up to youthful indiscretions from about a year ago.:)


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but what if minoxidil actually makes your hair worse

if it makes it thinner and the hairs growing back in are thinner
and then you stop will everything go back to normal