Admin said:
Tee said:I have read that it can cause heart failure. Also it says it is prescribed to lower blood pressure. Since my blood pressure is usually below normal, I was afraid maybe this would effect me differently. I guess these are questions that I need to address to my doctor. I have a feeling that my problem is hormonal since this problem started after I had my second child. At the time I was not too alarmed since I had a thick full head of hair- now 6 years later I am wishing I did something about it way before now. I have been to my family doctor, ob-gyn, and a dermotologist. None seem to want to dwell further into the situation. I am so discouraged and getting severely depressed because of it. BTW, Regain is an all natural DHT hair loss treatment. No minoxidal. And who is Dr. Lee?????
totaldispHAIR said:To Rogaine or not to Rogaine? I don't know which way to go. I've been reading so many postings from women who seem to lose more hair after they start using it. The pamphlet says increased hair shedding for 2 weeks, but from the postings I'm reading, it sounds like its a lot longer for some women. I can't afford to lose more hair. Should I use Rogaine or not?