minoxidil shed


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how long into applying minoxidil does a shed typically begin. im about 3 weeks in with 5% +retinoic acid and today it felt like my hair was shedding more than it has been lately. so i was just wondering if this would be the start of a minoxidil shed or is it too early for that?


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hey fellas...long time lurker here with a question. I have been using rogaine 5% for the past 4 months and i went through the initial shed when i first started the treatment. Now, 4 months later, i have some definite regrowth but no wi just noticed that i am having some more hair fall out, not a lot, maybe a few random ones here and there. they seem to be the hair that was regrown from rogaine. So, my concern is, am i going through another minoxidil shed or is it possilble that this is just a regular seasonal shed cycle? again, the hairs that are falling out seem to be the new hair that was regrown by rogiane and rogaine is the only treatment that i have been using. If i decide to add 1% nizoral at this stage in the game, will i get another shed? sorry for all the questions and thanks fellas for the very informative information on this site!!!!!!!


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please help guys!!!! :(


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Unless you give it enough time, you can't judge shedding in a week or so. You should be thanking your lucky stars you are having a shed because if you weren't, that would mean its not working. Give it 6 months to a year, until then ride it out because no one but you can tell whats going on with your hair. Normal hair sheds 100-150 a day, so if you see hair in your sink or hands, guess what that means...