Minoxidil side-effect?


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Hi guys -- I've been using Dr. Lee's 5% quick-drying solution since last September. At night, I use it in combination with Dr. Lee's 5% spironolactone cream and I've been pretty happy with the results - I've been shedding a lot less and I might even have some regrowth in my receding hairline.

In the past week, though, I've been having some chest pain/difficulty breathing and I can't decide if this is a result of the Minoxidil. I've heard of guys having this same side-effect on this site and I wanted to hear some opinions. Basically, when I take a deep breath it hurts in the upper part of my chest. I don't think I've been too excessive in applying the stuff, so I'm not sure what the deal is. I've stopped applying Minoxidil for almost a week now, but I'm still having the chest pains.

Do you guys think this is the result of the Minoxidil? I don't lift weights or anything, so it's not that....

I'd appreciate some thoughts and opinions.



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I dont think you should stop the minoxidil unless your sure that its the cause of your pains because youll lose what hair (if any) you gained. Talk to your doctor about it and see what he says.


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You should definately consult your doctor. I experience a similar thing, i have difficulty breathing but no chest pains. I have the feeling i constantly need to take deep breaths. Actually when i was aroun 10 years old i had the same thing going on for some months and my dad reassured me its phycological. It want away suddenly like it came. So i dont care much about it, but you have the chest pains that can be worrying. So consult your doctor just in case. Btw, if it is minoxidil sides they can recede with time. I would keep using it until i went to the doctor if i were you.


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Thanks for the posts guys - I actually already went to see a doctor today. She didn't want to jump to any conclusions until she got some tests done - x-rays, heart stuff, and blood work. It all seems a little excessive to me, but I'd like to get to the bottom of this.

Anyway, I'd still like to hear other people's opinions. Has any one else had a similar experience? I'd love to hear about it, even if it's just to say you were over-reacting and it turned out not to be anything to do with Minoxidil. Might help put my mind at ease.



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The only possible minoxidil side effect I might be encountering is the fact that I sometimes feel drowsy. Think it only happens when some of the minoxidil runs down my forehead or around my eyes entering the skin, when I apply it normally it's fine.

Other than that no I'm fine but now you mention I may want to go and see a doctor to get blood tests and stuff down to be absolutely sure.


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Hey Sharpshooter - thanks for the post. I can't say drowsiness has been a problem for me, but it seems like different people react differently.

I noticed some people with more serious side-effects from minoxidil have mentioned changes in blood pressure and heart rate. I got both those checked out and apparently everything's working just fine in that department.

More and more, I'm starting to think the painful breathing is something totally unrelated to minoxidil.

I dunno. More opinions would be appreciated.