Minoxidil side effect?


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I tried minoxidil at 18 and had no sides. I quit for about 7 years and i tried it again last year. Twice a day I tried it. I started to feel my heart beat hard so i quit. Well my hair has been getting worse so after a year of quitting last week i decided to try again. Last Thursday I started to use it. No sides up until yesterday and i began to notice my heart beating. I wear a heart rate monitor and my rate is fine. I only really notice the beating when i am laying down. It does not hurt just kind of weird. I dont think its palpatations. I would like to continue the rogaine but dont want to mess up anything. Any opinions?


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I've been on minoxidil since 2007, when i first started using it it gave me really really bad headaches- but after two to three months this went away, i think my body got use to it. i still get the occasional heart palpitating, especially if I've applied it too soon with damp hair/scalp after washing, or if Im already worked up by something else/anxiety. reducing the amount you put on will definitely help initially. hope that helps!


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When I first started, the first time I had a horrible pounding in my temples. Since then, nothing (except some dark circles under the eyes, grrr!!)