Minoxidil side effects


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Minoxidil side effects i believe i may be suffering from. Yesterday was my third day on it and i experienced very little sharp chest pains hat went away quickly. Nothing really feeling to bad, but i never really experienced them lately. Another thing was i could feel my heartbeat very strong. Not really fast just loud and strong. Nothing really cary but i was curious to know does this sound like it coul be from th minoiil.


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You should probably stop using it. Rapid heartbeat is mentioned on the box as a possible side effect of minoxidil use and if one experiences it, then they should discontinue use of the product. Are you using more than the directions call for?


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Yeah i think i am. I uee probably more than one ml. Because i like to use it in the front of my head where it is thinning also besides th crown. I heard from many people on here that it can work in the frontal region.


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The heArtbeat is not rapid it just is very strong and i can hear it and feel it when i lie down. Is thir normal or should i stop the useage. I lowered it to 2 ml daily.