minoxidil success


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I was just wondering if people who have had success with minoxidil have no irritation whatsover on their scalp. Can your scalp be itchy every now and then where you apply the minoxidil and still see results, or do you have to completely get rid of any irritation before you see any kind of success?

I guess what I'm asking is, is there an acceptable level of irritation that you just have to put up with while taking minoxidil, or does there need to be none at all to see result?

The Gardener

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minoxidil does not irritate my scalp.

It did initially.. during weeks 2-5 (approx) I noticed irritation, and itching, and lots of scalp chunks coming off. It went away, either from Nizoral usage, or over time, or both.


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Well i have been taking minoxidil since march and i still have irritation....very mild......it only usually occurs if ive been sweating earlier in the day though,but sometimes it just happens dont know why......i havent seen results yet on minoxidil but i dont think that your head being irritated would matter all that much...good luck.


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I used minoxidil for about 8 months awhile ago and had some minor irritation, some tiny red bumps on my scalp and whatnot. It did work for me though, even with the minor irritation.
I'm on the 5% minoxidil now and have no irritation - which I believe is the nizoral's effect.