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Thread: Minoxidil 10% with retinol
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01-16-2016 07:43 AM #1
joeyab16 joeyab16 is online now
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Aug 2015
Default Minoxidil 10% with retinol
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone has had any experience using minoxidil at 10% with retinol. I have been using 5% for years, and no problem.
I just got a hair transplant (FUE 2200 grafts) to take care of front and mid scalp. i got the surgery in August. Since then I have been using the rogaine foam (both for crown and transplanted area) and had a PRP with acell injection in crown in november. Recently my doctor came out with a new topical,Minoxidil 10% with retinol .025. it is in spray form, and i find it very hard to get to the scalp, especially in the transplanted areas where the hair is already, after 5 months growing in quite well. Doctor says 3-5 sprays between crown and transplanted area, once a day. I am nervous to try anything new since what I am doing now is working. Looking for some feedback regarding this type of minoxidil and any difference between the foam and this new formula.
Thread: Minoxidil 10% with retinol
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01-16-2016 07:43 AM #1
joeyab16 joeyab16 is online now
Junior Member
Join Date
Aug 2015
Default Minoxidil 10% with retinol
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone has had any experience using minoxidil at 10% with retinol. I have been using 5% for years, and no problem.
I just got a hair transplant (FUE 2200 grafts) to take care of front and mid scalp. i got the surgery in August. Since then I have been using the rogaine foam (both for crown and transplanted area) and had a PRP with acell injection in crown in november. Recently my doctor came out with a new topical,Minoxidil 10% with retinol .025. it is in spray form, and i find it very hard to get to the scalp, especially in the transplanted areas where the hair is already, after 5 months growing in quite well. Doctor says 3-5 sprays between crown and transplanted area, once a day. I am nervous to try anything new since what I am doing now is working. Looking for some feedback regarding this type of minoxidil and any difference between the foam and this new formula.