Mint - Never again


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Hi there,

I've read about how mint can be good for hairloss, etc... So, I bought mint tea 10 days ago and started drinking couple of mint teas a day.

After a few days I started feeling depressed to the level of being suicidal. I know I can get a bit of anxiety now and then, which is a result of normal everyday stress. But last week I wasn't under any stress, there was no reason for me to feel any pressure. I sort of concluded that the reason why I felt like that must have been the mint tea. I stopped drinking it and a few days later I felt normal again. All of this happened in the last 10 days.

The level of depression I suffered just after a few days of mint tea was a new low for me. As I said, I do get stressed now and then but I’ve never ever felt this depressed before. I literally felt like crying.

I attribute all of this to the mint…

The only positive to come out of this is, I think I broke up with my gf. I’ve been wanting to finish it for sometime, but never had the balls to do it. I was feeling sh*t and she annoyed me, I told her to leave me alone. I haven’t spoken to her for 5 days :)


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Mint tea is anecdotally known to decrease libido. Probably related to reduced testosterone/dopamine, which would in turn affect motivation and mood.

They do drink mint tea in the Middle East though, so it's not like it drives everyone crazy. Or wait...


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Mint tea is universally know for inducing suicide. I had a couple of people I hated, I invited them for tea, I gave 'em a cup of mint tea and the day later they killed themselves.


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JLL said:
Mint tea is anecdotally known to decrease libido. Probably related to reduced testosterone/dopamine, which would in turn affect motivation and mood.

I can tell you FROM EXPERIENCE, this is definetly true.

vauxall said:
Mint tea is universally know for inducing suicide.

Have you got any references confirming this?? (I dont mean references as in look at the suicide bombers in the ME :dunno: )


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Sounds like bull to me tbh. I drink about 10 cups of mint tea a day and I am a very happy person and i'm a horny bast*rd too!

Did you replace coffee or black tea with with mint tea? I'm presuming you dropped something from your usual drinks routine to make room for the mint tea? If so then you probably just had a major crash from lack of caffeine, which is an addictive substance and can lead to quite bad withdrawl symptoms if you suddenly cut it out of your diet.


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ajax said:
Did you replace coffee or black tea with with mint tea?

I do drink 2-3 coffees a day, and as far as I remember I still had my morning and afternoon coffees while I was drinking mint.

I dont really get caffein withdrawal sympoms. Sometimes I dont get the time to have my morning coffee and Im absolutely OK with it. I even feel more energetic on those days.


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I used a mint shampoo and conitioner for a few months, felt great, but i think it only hurt the hair a few months later.


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virtuality said:
ajax said:
Did you replace coffee or black tea with with mint tea?

I do drink 2-3 coffees a day, and as far as I remember I still had my morning and afternoon coffees while I was drinking mint.

I dont really get caffein withdrawal sympoms. Sometimes I dont get the time to have my morning coffee and Im absolutely OK with it. I even feel more energetic on those days.

Ok so what else do you usually drink?

Its just that to incorporate Mint Tea in to your diet, you must have replaced something else?

Did you drop Coke, or Pepsi or some other sugary drink?


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ajax said:
virtuality said:
ajax said:
Did you replace coffee or black tea with with mint tea?

I do drink 2-3 coffees a day, and as far as I remember I still had my morning and afternoon coffees while I was drinking mint.

I dont really get caffein withdrawal sympoms. Sometimes I dont get the time to have my morning coffee and Im absolutely OK with it. I even feel more energetic on those days.

Ok so what else do you usually drink?

Its just that to incorporate Mint Tea in to your diet, you must have replaced something else?

Did you drop Coke, or Pepsi or some other sugary drink?

Nope, I didn't replace anything.

I usually tend to stay away from coffee and black tea in the evenings, I don't want to stay awake all night. So, the mint tea did not replace anything.

I'm not really into Coke neither. I drink it now and then, but I don't usually keep it in my fridge.


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Wow well you really are a strange case then I've got to say. I really love Mint tea, and so does my wife and neither of us have ever experienced anything like what you have?

Have you tried any other herbal teas? Ginger is ok, Green is pretty nice once you get used to it... not really keen on any others though.


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ajax said:
Wow well you really are a strange case then I've got to say.

TBH, I tried finasteride in the past and I had side effects with that as well.

I guess the hormonal levels are called HORMONAL BALANCE for a reason. There is a balance in there, some products tip it off.

Also, I don't think I'm alone. If you google for the side effects of mint, you'll see what I mean.

I have nothing against mint tea. I'm just saying that it made me mental, that was my experience. Im still gonna buy mentos, polos, etc.


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Dear OP:

I have not laughed this hard in a long time...

yeh the other day, i had a cup of orange tea and it made me so angry, that i turned green and started throwing cars around a city

edit: :puke: