Minxoidil Causing Wrinkles, Puffiness


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Hey everyone, my first post here

I want and its important to me to share my story
I'm 26 now, using minoxidil (currently lipogaine) for 6 years already
working great! for my hairloss, I have very full hair. I use It twice a day

I always noticed in the way minors changes in my face, but the last half year I started to notice it much more
My face become more saggy, wrinkles around my mouth become very noticeble, if its in pictures or under different lights

now, I can say I'm pretty healthy person, I eat full meals, going to the gym, barely smoke or drinking
I'm pretty sure its because of minoxidil, I see my friends, some of them are much older and they're not close to have those wrinkles/sagging yet. they smoke and drink alcohol much more then I do
I also read alot of posts about it with the same effects

if any of you here struggled with the same problem. what helped you the most?
I ordered retinol now, and I'm considering to stop completly.. altough maybe put just once a day with very small dose will help too

any advice will be aprreciate. thanks :)


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Yes, it can ruin collagen. Not much you can do but increase Vit C, Retin A, Dermaroll, Botox,fillers etc.


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the question is if to stop minoxidil completly or should I just reduce the amount..
well, we should all be aware of that. very aware!


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if you have used minoxidil for 6 years.... I mean, you might be lucky, but I feel you are asking for a huge shed. Potentially all of your hair. I don't know how bad your skin is, but maybe try implementing a stronger anti-aging skincare routine and/or look into botox. I'm 28 and have never used minoxidil, but have pretty strong crows feet and lines all over my forehead. For that reason, be very careful in regards to jumping to the conclusion that your skin problems were caused solely by minoxidil. Could it be sun damage from not using sunscreen daily? Could it be not using anti-aging skin care products? ... or honestly it could just be unlucky genetics (like me).


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if you stop minoxidil after 6 years be ready for a very huge hair loss. do you use the correct dose, 2ml a day, 1ml in the night and the other in the morning ?
i would try with dermarrolling and retin A first to give up or lower the dose.


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if you have used minoxidil for 6 years.... I mean, you might be lucky, but I feel you are asking for a huge shed. Potentially all of your hair. I don't know how bad your skin is, but maybe try implementing a stronger anti-aging skincare routine and/or look into botox. I'm 28 and have never used minoxidil, but have pretty strong crows feet and lines all over my forehead. For that reason, be very careful in regards to jumping to the conclusion that your skin problems were caused solely by minoxidil. Could it be sun damage from not using sunscreen daily? Could it be not using anti-aging skin care products? ... or honestly it could just be unlucky genetics (like me).

Well I definitely don't want to stop using it, I mean it is doing a great job for my hair, the temples and hair is thick
I see my family, they don't have skin sagging like this.. and also to most of the people I see around
My skin used to be smooth and tight and I can see its unsual.
I'm eating everything! from fruits/veggies to meat. and I sleep well too
maybe I should just put smaller dose? like once a day and much less amount?

I got to read in the forum about those problem. it is well known problem
right now I stopped. will see how it goes
will update


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use less
sleep at an angle to get rid of the face puffiness
use good moisturizer creams on the face

all this will improve some maybe back to 90%


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well this is crazy but I didnt use it for 3 days and I can see major improvenet that nothing helped before
puffiness reduced and wrinkles starting to disapear! this is insane.
of course the headaches and tiredness went away too, even that I didnt sleep alot tonight
I'm sure minoxidil is the cause of the problem now, but still don't want to stop it
does anyone know what is the safest dose to take? people that exprienced the same?
I'll upload photos of before and after, you'll see what i mean. crazy changes with those wrinkles!


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yep its a known effect

if i stop for a week face goes back to normal so its not permanent


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I can confirm my experience being
well this is crazy but I didnt use it for 3 days and I can see major improvenet that nothing helped before
puffiness reduced and wrinkles starting to disapear! this is insane.
of course the headaches and tiredness went away too, even that I didnt sleep alot tonight
I'm sure minoxidil is the cause of the problem now, but still don't want to stop it
does anyone know what is the safest dose to take? people that exprienced the same?
I'll upload photos of before and after, you'll see what i mean. crazy changes with those wrinkles!

I feel your pain. For years, I dismissed all those symptoms as an 'ageing process', until a few years ago when I finally realised the lumps and bumps just below the hairline is cause by Minoxidil occasionally dripping onto the forehead (which I wipe off immediately),but then I also noticed red blood shot eyes, and worsening wrinkles.
As mentioned above, to counteract the symptoms I started using a skin care regime of cleanse/tone/moisturize, as well as adding microneedling to the face which helps improving its appearance a bit.
I had a transplant 2 months ago. I was told to stay off Minoxidil 2 weeks before and a week after the procedure. During that time, my eyes looked brighter and skin looked better. I also don't want to ditch Minoxidil, especially at a time when growth after transplant is crucial. Once the new grafts all fully mature (12 months post?), I would like to look into a replacement for Minoxidil.


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No sides to report so far on min myself except for face puffiness that went away after like a week. Seriously my sh*t ballooned up to comical proportions. Luckily I was cutting weight at the time and I think that hastened my return to normal


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To the OP, how is lipogaine working for you? Is it better than other minoxidil products? I ran across it the other day on the web and was curious.


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To the OP, how is lipogaine working for you? Is it better than other minoxidil products? I ran across it the other day on the web and was curious.

yes it is from my eperience, it improved hair regrowth and slowed hairloss and even stopped.
but be aware, its a strong product that caused my face to look very tired, unfreshed, older, drugged

i stopped using it since then and can confirm its the cause of the wrinkles and puffinnes. my face look fresh and tight now

I do consider to try to get back to it by applying smaller amount.. but it does scare me to get this look back


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Hey guys, want to update

This morning I applied 0.25 ml to my temples + sculp

My face got bloated and eyes feels and look tired. Also can feel that my heart working harder.

Smaller amount doesn't change the effect.
I can put lotions and all, but it's still not the same
When I stopped using minoxidil I looked and felt fresh.
Oh well.. you can't have the whole cake I guess


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Hey guys, want to update

This morning I applied 0.25 ml to my temples + sculp

My face got bloated and eyes feels and look tired. Also can feel that my heart working harder.

Smaller amount doesn't change the effect.
I can put lotions and all, but it's still not the same
When I stopped using minoxidil I looked and felt fresh.
Oh well.. you can't have the whole cake I guess

I think you are allergic to it bro