mionox and chest pains


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Well I've been using Life Brand 2% minoxidil for about a month and I've recently started having chest pains.
I dunno if it's my imagination but it seems that within 15 minutes of applying it I get chest pains.
I've looked into it online and from what I gather it's an uncommon side effect, but what I can't find info out is whether or not they will subside over time.


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I am preety sure it is just your imagination BUT I would definately consult a doctor though. I think chest pains mean that you have a systemic reaction from minoxidil, and i dont think they will subside.


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I really don't know what to think at this point.
I was on minoxidil for about 8 months b4 with no side effects that I noticed.
I'm definetly having some pain, but I'm guessing it's more stress related than anything else.
I mean what are the chances.
As for asking my doctor, she's a real *** and will immediately tell me to come off of it.


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its not ur imagintation

i was on it for a while about 3-4 years ago and felt chest pains, they got worse as time went on and i started feeling pains in my arms and shoulders too but they eventually went away (but to this day i still feel little pains here and there, nothing serious though). i never went to the doctor probably coz i dont like going to doctors anyway :roll:

about 6 months after the pains went away i read a rogaine booklet and it said if u feel pains in ur chest, arms or shoulders seek medical assistance ASAP

i dont know what the story there is, it was pretty scary when i read it but about a year or so ago i had a medical check up and im perfectly healthy except i got a high blood pressure which is probably coz of smoking, drinking, eating bad, etc.

but my advice to you would be stop using the hair product and go to the doctor and make sure everything is alright, i dont think u have a serious problem to worry about though but it is always good to put ur mind at ease when it comes to this sort of stuff


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Usually chest pains from minoxidil will mean a change in blood pressure.
Do u notice any quezieness or upset feeling in your stomach or lightheadeness to go with the pains?

If your just starting to experience them, check your head thoroughly with a mirror to make sure u haven't got any open wounds on your head (from pimples etc) that would perhaps allow more solution into your blood stream than usual.


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i think I might cut back on the dose. Use a little less than recommended. Maybe take a few days off here and there. I have an appointment with a dermo coming up soon, so I'll wait and see what he says.