Mirror Mirror on the wall......a question about em Mirror's


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Mirror mirror on the wall,who has the worst hair loss of them all

So im at the 7month stage of finasteride and nizoral and im looking far too much in the mirror but which one tells the truth?

If i look into the bathroom mirror my hair looks good
If i look into the living room mirror my hair looks not too bad
But if i look into the hall mirror, i dont think i would leave the house!

Mirror's come in different sizes and strengths and lighting has an affect too but which mirror tell's the truth?

I mean which one see's what a person would see?....and when i say person i mean girls of course!!

Any idea's or thoughts on how to find an accurate mirror?
Thanks guys


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mirror doesn't matter, I find it's all in the lighting. Overhead sunlight pierces right through even those spots you once thought were concealed. It's scary...


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Direct light even pierces through hair with perfect density, and when girls are lookign at you they are looking at your face, not checking for hair density, especially if you are tall. I just try and look at myself in the "good mirror" (which has less light) before I leave my house and realize that that is how everyone sees me, b/c you are always going to be your worst critic. Honestly, nobody cares about your hairloss or mine, unless it is hideously thin everywhere and unkempt. Honestly, I think my hair looks like sh*t and if I mention this to girls thay say "What are you talking about, I can't tell"


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Exactly, every time this hot younger female comes over to "hang out", when the nights over I look in the mirror and say, "It looks pretty good actually". Then on days when I'm pissed and I'm down I think I should just shave the thing off!


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Re: Mirror Mirror on the wall......a question about em Mirro

DJ007 said:
....Mirror's come in different sizes and strengths

strengths ?

DJ007 said:
and lighting has an affect too but which mirror tell's the truth?

I mean which one see's what a person would see?....and when i say person i mean girls of course!!

Any idea's or thoughts on how to find an accurate mirror?
Thanks guys

The mirror on your bathroom wall shows a reflected image, flipped 180 degrees to how others view you.

Your T-Shirt printed with "Help I am Bald" on the front will obviously be flipped 180 degrees in the mirror so it is back to front, people do not see this they see the correct "right reading" image of you.

This flipping of your face has a strong effect on how you look

How to make you own 'Doppelganger' mirror to correct this:

Step 1: Place two mirrors at 90 degrees to each other.

Step 2: ..er..ther isn't a step 2

Now look straight into the centre of the two mirrors and you will see a corrected image of your face, you close your right eye and the reflected image will close 'it's right eye and not the flipped left eye a normal mirror will show you.



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bartman654 said:
or yuo could just take a picture of yourself :)

With this miror you can style your hair, move around, pose! all in real time, no need for a camera.


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It depends on so many freakin' things.

It's logical to say it's all the lighting, but that doesn't explain why some really bright places make me think I'm really thinning fast, and others make me think I'm just fine. And you know what's weird, I find that bright sunlight is actually kinder to me than bright bathroom light.

And besides your "current psychology", there factors in how your hair happens to be behaving that day. If it is on its best behavior, you can walk away from the mirror whistling cheerfully, half-convinced that you were crazy to think you had male pattern baldness. If it decides to misbehave and show its weaknesses, you slink away looking for ways to take your mind off your frustration.

Since you can't lift around complete strangers' hair and examine it to see if it acts similarly to yours, this kind of mirror examiniation can make you lose all sense of perspective on how your hair compares to others, and where you are in hair loss.

not me!

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Re: Mirror Mirror on the wall......a question about em Mirro

Guest said:
DJ007 said:
....Mirror's come in different sizes and strengths

strengths ?

DJ007 said:
and lighting has an affect too but which mirror tell's the truth?

I mean which one see's what a person would see?....and when i say person i mean girls of course!!

Any idea's or thoughts on how to find an accurate mirror?
Thanks guys

The mirror on your bathroom wall shows a reflected image, flipped 180 degrees to how others view you.

Your T-Shirt printed with "Help I am Bald" on the front will obviously be flipped 180 degrees in the mirror so it is back to front, people do not see this they see the correct "right reading" image of you.

This flipping of your face has a strong effect on how you look

How to make you own 'Doppelganger' mirror to correct this:

Step 1: Place two mirrors at 90 degrees to each other.

Step 2: ..er..ther isn't a step 2

Now look straight into the centre of the two mirrors and you will see a corrected image of your face, you close your right eye and the reflected image will close 'it's right eye and not the flipped left eye a normal mirror will show you.


Can I just say that posts like these make me literally laugh out loud.

I mean, could you imagine a room full of bald/thinning guys sitting around drinking beer and farting and talking about the best way to style their hair in the mirror? The thought just makes me laugh.

Great post Guest, btw.


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Yep, if only i had two mirrors!

Man, i cannot even add up the amount of hours i pondered on this question....Those were the days.


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Re: Mirror Mirror on the wall......a question about em Mirro

social_drinker said:
Can I just say that posts like these make me literally laugh out loud.

I mean, could you imagine a room full of bald/thinning guys sitting around drinking beer and farting and talking about the best way to style their hair in the mirror? The thought just makes me laugh.

Great post Guest, btw.


It's pretty desperate stuff!!

Also you don't need to be going bald to use this device, it's even shows normal people the right way around, but vampires still don't show up.


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The mirror in the toilet in college makes my hair look great, which gives me great confidence considering the sheer amount of hot women at my college. But then once I step outside and catch my reflection in a shop window or off a parked car my hair looks sh*t and its back to feeling insecure again.

social drinker, i tried your mirror technique. all these years i thought i was white but when i followed your steps it turned out that i'm actually black. its amazing how a mirror can alter your true appearance


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I purchased the "natural" bulbs for my bathroom vanity mirror. much brighter and clearer white, more like outside.

helps in getting ready, and provides a more accurate view than others.

i think that most places of business, schools, etc. use halogen lighting, so i think it is more prudent to reproduce these effects within reason.


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RecedingBoy said:
I purchased the "natural" bulbs for my bathroom vanity mirror. much brighter and clearer white, more like outside.

Natural light bulbs have their colour temperture much higher than standard bulbs, much more towards blue (around 10,000K?), this tends to make people look (scientific word coming up...) ...sh*t.

Natural light bulbs are the enemy of the vain.

There is a reason people put red light bulbs in at a party and get everyone drunk, both these moves makes people look more attractive.

Bulbs leaning towards red (standard indoor bulbs) have a panchromatic effect on the skin and flatten any (naturally red) imprefections. The redder the better, in pure red light pimples, spider veins and other red blemishes have a hard time showing up against red (illuminated) skin.

Go get a red bulb and make one of my Doppelganger mirrors, drink a crate of cheap larger and stare at yourself all night, works for me.


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yeah maybe it shows you things that you wouldnt like to see, but i say its better to have an accurate image of what your hair looks like when you're out of your house.

esp. if you use concealers. After using Dermatch for my hairline (i only use it htere), i check it up close in the mirror, from different angles, up, down, etc.

yup i'm vain and preoccupied, but i also don't want to get busted for using a concealer. Fact is, before i switched to those natural bulbs, i never had an accurate picture of being in a office building, etc. Even now, i don't because even the naturals aren't as bright true white as halogens - but they're a big improvement over 'normal' lights.

Guest said:
RecedingBoy said:
I purchased the "natural" bulbs for my bathroom vanity mirror. much brighter and clearer white, more like outside.

Natural light bulbs have their colour temperture much higher than standard bulbs, much more towards blue (around 10,000K?), this tends to make people look (scientific word coming up...) ...sh*t.

Natural light bulbs are the enemy of the vain.

There is a reason people put red light bulbs in at a party and get everyone drunk, both these moves makes people look more attractive.

Bulbs leaning towards red (standard indoor bulbs) have a panchromatic effect on the skin and flatten any (naturally red) imprefections. The redder the better, in pure red light pimples, spider veins and other red blemishes have a hard time showing up against red (illuminated) skin.

Go get a red bulb and make one of my Doppelganger mirrors, drink a crate of cheap larger and stare at yourself all night, works for me.

not me!

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Re: Mirror Mirror on the wall......a question about em Mirro

Guest said:
it's even shows normal people the right way around, but vampires still don't show up.

Now that's just crazy talk! You mean to tell me that those mirrors positioned like that work for non-balding people?!? Pfft! I won't have it!

not me!

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spencer85 said:
social drinker, i tried your mirror technique.

That would be Guests mirror technique. I just use it for my sock puppet "alternative lifestyle" theatre productions.

too bald too furious

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I always try to watch my image in every possible reflection and mirror.
Then I furiously try to find a bathroom..so that I can go inside those closed 4 walls and peek into my cell phone's reflection and hide my thinning. :lol:

Thinning Sucks

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What I don't like in a mrror is when you look into it, you are actually doubling your actually view of yourself (if at 2 feet - looking at 4 feet) This is not how you would talk to someone, thus getting hair perfect with concealers ect may be trickier than you actually think.