Missing Dosages


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SOmedays I oversleep and I forgot to add minoxodil in the morning, and or take a proscar....if im careless and miss dosages alot, will this greatly effect my outcome,...or will it be ok just as long as i end up going back on track?

Anyone know?


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How long have you been on the 2?

Do you miss more then 1 day?

it should not affect greatly if you have been on the meds for a long period of time.


Nickie said:
SOmedays I oversleep and I forgot to add minoxodil in the morning,

This is ok every now and then

and or take a proscar....

I hope you are not taking a whole Proscar tablet!

if im careless and miss dosages alot, will this greatly effect my outcome,...or will it be ok just as long as i end up going back on track?

should be ok, try to stay consitent.