mixed feelings about toppik


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I tried out Toppik last night. I have to say... with my diffuse thinning, it looked great. I was shocked. At a a party, friends who hadn't seen me in awhile complimented my new "haircut". I had mixed feelings about it. On one hand, I'm happy I have something that will make me look great for awhile. But in the back of my mind, i felt like I was cheating. I think I'm going to keep using it. Hope I don't develop a case of denial and keep shaking more and more on my head until one day, I realize I have a 2-hair combover and a black-powdered scalp.


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Best way to keep perspective on your appearance is to get yourself into some candid photos.

Nothing reveals how you really look to others better than a photo.

So if at any point you feel like maybe you're getting carried away, or putting too much on, or becoming that weirdo with the dead skunk on his head, just jump into a few photos and take a gander at yourself.

Always works for me.


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Yeah man, I swear by that stuff. I have noticeable vertex thinning, and when I load the Toppik in there and style it with hairspray, my hair looks 5-6 years younger (not including my hairline). What's good about it is how it fills out areas that are mainly thinning or regrown vellus hairs (which minoxidil tends to produce). It holds up even under the dreaded flourescent office lights where I work.

But yeah, once it's bare and bald on the vertex, I'm going to have to consider new alternatives.


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Toppik is great, I used it for a few years. It did however allow me to forget about my hair loss, and I did not research it as much as I should have bc I looked great with the Toppik. This lead to my hair getting worse and worse, and it became harder and harder to conceal it with Toppik. My hairline started to go, and it really became difficult. I was loading in a ton of Toppik on my head. I finally did the research and got on the big 3 and buzzed my head.

So, take warning, you are correct, it is a great product, but do not fool yourself, you are still bald and need to keep up with the big 3.

and never leave the house without an umbrella! getting caught in the rain with a head of toppik is bad, especially before going to a wedding (yes this happened to me). also, when you work out, the sweat turns green! you look kind of strange, but just make sure you have a solid colored towel (not white bc it will turn green) and wipe it off a lot.

good luck man


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Any of you guys ever experience headaches while using Toppik? I have. It used to pretty good when I used only a little, but now that my hair's been getting worse, I have to use a lot more of it. After a short while I just start getting head aches though and just go home and wash it all out, then I feel better.


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TheBigThree said:
Any of you guys ever experience headaches while using Toppik? I have. It used to pretty good when I used only a little, but now that my hair's been getting worse, I have to use a lot more of it. After a short while I just start getting head aches though and just go home and wash it all out, then I feel better.

nope, never had any headaches at all.


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If you're getting headaches its nothing to do with Toppic.


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I've tried toppik, but prefer nanogen...they are quite similar though