Modest Steroid Dosage Affects On Hair Idk Where To Post This

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Any steroid users with male pattern baldness out their can give me feedback on their experience with say 500mg of test per week for 12 weeks for a first cycle. will 500mg test per week+spironolactone plus cream + finasteride or possible durasteride if needed help offset me losing more hair while on cycle? i keep my hair very short buzzed .5-1guard so i dont notice any shedding atm or wouldnt on cycle prolly so it could sneak up on me. Anyone have their DHT tested pre cycle and on Cycle to see how much it jumped up with 500mgs?

How bad can 1 cycle of 500mg week for 12 weeks really be on your hair with let say zero protection. could you go from NW3 to completely bald with this protocol.

Also i am thinking about Trying oral Ment/Trestolone as an alternative as it doesnt converts to DHT so in theory it "shouldnt" affect hair but have all the benefits of testosterone. Any male pattern baldness user have experience with Trestolone on hair?

Thanks for Your Time


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i was lurking on another forum and some guys were just on 2,5mg finasteride ed or eod dont remember and they didnt had much lost, but keep that on mind your estro will jump more more on finasteride while cycling


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For test only it depends how sensitive your hair is, If i was gonna run a cycle I'd do test only with dutasteride+RU. Trestolone is about as or more androgenic than tren so I think it'd wreck havoc on your hair, not too sure though, @shookwun might know better


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Cycling is stupid. it's usually when you come off that you crash your entire endocrine system. T is 0, DHT, and estrogen sky rockets. This is usuaully when people experience a rebound in gyno from the estrogen. Being on finasteride will make it even worse.

make sure you have a sh*t load of A.I handy.

If you're a fatty then you shouldn't be even touching steroids in the first place. This is rule number 1. If you cannot dicipline yourself enough to get to lean digits then you are not ready for something more serious then eating a kit kat bar while doing p90x at planet fitness.

If that's not you, and you are ready to actually take steroids then you must understand that your hormones will never be the same. It will never recover to what it once was. #3 cycling is stupid, you're either on or stay natural because putting your body through a roller coaster ride of hormone crashing will be a no no. Takes many months to recover, then what? back to route 1 all over again. Another cycle, another crash.

Understand? cycling is retarded.

What else,,, havent even cycled a basic tesosterone and you're thinking about exotic liver damaging steroids to look good in a T shirt. Stick to the basics, and don't f*** with steroids outside of tesosterone if you are about your hair. These steroids will thin you out. Tren thinned my entire temple points all the way back. I am stuck with with blonde temple points, when my native hair it dark brown.

If you're still comitted to your decision then testosterone is all you should be using. if you cannot get big on testosterone alone then you should take up basket weaving, and knitting. More results.... Finasteride, and test is relatively safe. Won't get any sides...


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Cycling is stupid. it's usually when you come off that you crash your entire endocrine system. T is 0, DHT, and estrogen sky rockets. This is usuaully when people experience a rebound in gyno from the estrogen. Being on finasteride will make it even worse.

make sure you have a sh*t load of A.I handy.

If you're a fatty then you shouldn't be even touching steroids in the first place. This is rule number 1. If you cannot dicipline yourself enough to get to lean digits then you are not ready for something more serious then eating a kit kat bar while doing p90x at planet fitness.

If that's not you, and you are ready to actually take steroids then you must understand that your hormones will never be the same. It will never recover to what it once was. #3 cycling is stupid, you're either on or stay natural because putting your body through a roller coaster ride of hormone crashing will be a no no. Takes many months to recover, then what? back to route 1 all over again. Another cycle, another crash.

Understand? cycling is retarded.

What else,,, havent even cycled a basic tesosterone and you're thinking about exotic liver damaging steroids to look good in a T shirt. Stick to the basics, and don't f*** with steroids outside of tesosterone if you are about your hair. These steroids will thin you out. Tren thinned my entire temple points all the way back. I am stuck with with blonde temple points, when my native hair it dark brown.

If you're still comitted to your decision then testosterone is all you should be using. if you cannot get big on testosterone alone then you should take up basket weaving, and knitting. More results.... Finasteride, and test is relatively safe. Won't get any sides...

Agree with most of this, but to be honest male pattern baldness is probably the only thing keeping me from getting on a cycle at some point, not anytime soon as im still a noob to the gym, but if I ever do it'll be test only with dutasteride+high dose RU. I'd love to try some of the stronger drugs just for the sake of experiencing them, but it's not worth the risk to my already sh*t hair. SARMs may be another option but still very skeptical on those.

That being said, if someone is asking if one of the most androgenic steroids is safe for their hair I think it's safe to say they shouldn't be near gear lol


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New to the gym and already want to take steroids. Jeez christ buddy, where do we start?

If you cannot get phenomenal results your first year training then I lost hope. First year will transform your body heavily if you stay comitted to your training, and nutrition.

How new are you to the gym? I mean realy think about this for a second. There is no reason for you to be on drugs of you have been lifting for less then two years.


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I never said I want to take steroids anytime soon, only been to the gym for a little more than a year. Not looking to take any shortcuts as I think it'd devalue the "journey" but I just like doing research on the topic of steroids and drugs
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I never said I want to take steroids anytime soon, only been to the gym for a little more than a year. Not looking to take any shortcuts as I think it'd devalue the "journey" but I just like doing research on the topic of steroids and drugs

Learn to enjoy the journey, because I have seen a lot of these pumps tee types come and go. Need the gas just for motivation to train, with out it they are nothing. Build a solid natural body, and then take your body to the next level. Steroids require dicipline, and that isn't achieved over night.

Testosterone is the only drug one needs to get big.


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@shookwun - I always appreciate your posts on this topic. It's always a pleasure to read them. You seem to have good knowledge and experience.

Off topic, but just wondering if you could share what your training style in the gym is like, more bb or pl style.


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@shookwun - I always appreciate your posts on this topic. It's always a pleasure to read them. You seem to have good knowledge and experience.

Off topic, but just wondering if you could share what your training style in the gym is like, more bb or pl style.
BB style

back/fore arm/bi

Always stick within the 8-10 range if size is what you're after. legs you can get away with doing higher reps, but as a general guideline avoid this low rep crap, and stick within he hypertrophy range. Lift with perfect form, but high intensity. Slow, and controlled reps have there place, but generally you want to be explosive when lifting. A mixture of these two lifting styles is what you should aim for. Explosive in the beggining, and aim for the slow, and controlled reps with lighter weight near the end of the work out. The pump, and intensity should be your primary concern without compromising poor lifting technique.

Exercises to avoid: Upright row. never do this sh*t exercise unless you want shoulder problems.

Deadlifts are poor mass builders,despite what the 'bros' tell you. By the time you can lift anything, you have exerted your CNS. to much , to little rep, and poor hypertrophy exercise. Leave this to power lifters.

No days off.

It's very important that you train with intensity, and are constantly aiming to progress. I see so many people that look the same year round, and never progress. I see twinks telling me they are on 1g of gear, and don't even look like they lift. Embarrassing. I take 250-300mg testosterone, and still make gains.

Most importantly, be patient. Results don't happen over night. Takes years to build a phenomenal physique. Enjoy the journey!
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BB style


Always stick within the 8-10 range if size is what you're after. legs you can get away with doing higher reps, but as a general guideline avoid this low rep crap, and stick within he hypertrophy range. Lift with perfect form, but high intensity. Slow, and controlled reps have there place, but generally you want to be explosive when lifting. A mixture of these two lifting styles is what you should aim for. Explosive in the beggining, and aim for the slow, and controlled reps with lighter weight near the end of the work out. The pump, and intensity should be your primary concern without compromising poor lifting technique.

Exercises to avoid: Upright row. never do this sh*t exercise unless you want shoulder problems.

Deadlifts are poor mass builders,despite what the 'bros' tell you. By the time you can lift anything, you have exerted your CNS. to much , to little rep, and poor hypertrophy exercise. Leave this to power lifters.

No days off.

It's very important that you train with intensity, and are constantly aiming to progress. I see so many people that look the same year round, and never progress. I see twinks telling me they are on 1g of gear, and don't even look like they lift. Embarrassing. I take 250-300mg testosterone, and still make gains.

Most importantly, be patient. Results don't happen over night. Takes years to build a phenomenal physique. Enjoy the journey!

A lot of good advice

I also never do deadlifts. Apart from my back issues I never saw the purpose in it for physique building

Some of my muscles are overly responsive, particularly my biceps, shoulders, traps, and glutes. So I rarely give these areas any isolation or they tend to get out of proportion. My problem areas I've always had to put more focus on to build and maintain are my quads, calves, and upper chest

This is more or less the schedule I'm doing at the moment, although it's not always this cut and dry:

Upper legs
Back/a bit of Chest and tris
Upper legs

I take a day or 2 off each week. I'm not on gear and I definitely benefit from the recovery

Consistency is definitely everything. It took me years to get to where I'm at


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A lot of good advice

I also never do deadlifts. Apart from my back issues I never saw the purpose in it for physique building

Some of my muscles are overly responsive, particularly my biceps, shoulders, traps, and glutes. So I rarely give these areas any isolation or they tend to get out of proportion. My problem areas I've always had to put more focus on to build and maintain are my quads, calves, and upper chest

This is more or less the schedule I'm doing at the moment, although it's not always this cut and dry:

Upper legs
Back/a bit of Chest and tris
Upper legs

I take a day or 2 off each week. I'm not on gear and I definitely benefit from the recovery

Consistency is definitely everything. It took me years to get to where I'm at
But yeah, after chest i generally throw in a few sets for tris. More so targerting the long head with over head loads, and tricep extensions.

Back, lot's of fore arm isolation work afterwards. hammer and reverse curls to realy blast the brachialis.

Calves I usually do on shoulder day


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I left gym after 4 months into it. I really started to like it and strenght gains were impressing me a lot, but people in my local gym were soo f*****g dumbshit c****. One guy suspended machine only for him for 20 mins and when i wanted to finish my super intense ecto training plan ( one exercise left for backs). He just left it all wet and smell in the air started to remind me a cooked fish. I just wanted to vomit there, i swear for the god i will never go again to this gym. I left gym very dissapointed and my mood drasticaly went to critical level. Anyway, thinking about joining a gym again...


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When I worked as a fitness instructor to pay the bills as a student, I liked to remind people of the most anabolic substance there is: food. Many would just look for an easy, yet artificial way, to get better gains instead of resorting to simply eating more.

Also, as has been said in this thread, steroids require (a lot) of discipline and are not for the faint of heart. The side-effects can be pretty devastating if cycles aren't planned properly. I never tried steroids myself but helped a couple of guys design their cycle so they wouldn't stupidly crash and burn after a short cycle. Even then, you still need to train like a beast, sleep like a log and eat like a horse to really profit from steroids.