Monistat question


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How's everybody doing, im new to these forums.

To give a little background on myself i've had a receding hairline for about 2 years now, and the hair i have on top is significantly thinning. Being only 21 i've been really depressed and insecure about it. I've never taken Propecia or Rogaine and not planning to, i've considered a transplant to fix the hairline but decided to pass.

Recently i was told about product called Monistat which is actually used to treat yeast infection in women. However if you do some search on the net, this products gets positive feedback on stimulating growth as well as thickness in hair.

Im considering trying the product and im wondering if anyone has tried it? The only feedback i was able to get was from the woman's side.

any men here who have any experience with Monistat?


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Monistat seems similar to Ketoconazole
They are both Antifungal drugs who inhibit the enzyme cytochrome P450
Ketoconazole inhibits the production of testosterone also! So the Monistat maybe have the same effect on testosterone!
But why you dont use Ketoconazole Shampoo, Lotion, Or cream? It has many studies behind and seem safe enought!


Experienced Member
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Do you have any where i can read about is it on any wowamns forums


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azyx said:
Monistat seems similar to Ketoconazole
They are both Antifungal drugs who inhibit the enzyme cytochrome P450
Ketoconazole inhibits the production of testosterone also! So the Monistat maybe have the same effect on testosterone!
But why you dont use Ketoconazole Shampoo, Lotion, Or cream? It has many studies behind and seem safe enought!
i never heard of other applications but now that you told me about them ill definetly look into them. I zerod in on Monistat because i was getting a lot of positive feedback from women who had great success with thickening their hair. Problem is there are no men, at least i havent seen any, who used it or commented on it. I've been a little hesitant to try it since this cream is for women, and is used to treat vaginal infection, but if it delivers results i might as well sample it.

you said it slows down testosterone. Im actually working out, lifting weights, and into the whole muscle building thing. High Testosterone levels are important in what im doing, since it decreases testosterone will it affect my results in the gym?

thanks for your help