Month 20 on Propecia (Photos)


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If you have been on this message board for sometime now, you would know that I updated my process to you guys every month and some photos. It's been 20 months (when photos was taken) on Propecia and about 10 months on Nizoral 2%. I have not seen anymore result for the past 2 to 3 months now but everything seems to be going ok. I did go through a little shed but it seem like it stop now. I do think I'm growing little bit on my temples which I didn't think I would because I really never had temples there. But I thought that I was going to be bald by now but that didn't happen :wink: . Well, if you see from the beginning you can tell that I did grow hair on my hairline and would like to tell you that Propecia does work in the hairline. The overall quality of my hair is better and thicker then when I start using Propecia. I don't really know how well Nizoral 2% is working for me but I did just bought 3 boxes of the stuff online just to make sure nothing goes wrong with drugs from Canada to the US.

P.S.; I will be upload new images for month 21 in 1 week because I forget to do the month 20 upload.


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What is 'PM Green Tea Cond' ?


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ohh and it appears that your geocities site is down. as of 19th Jan 2005 6:00PM syndey Australia time.

The Traveler

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Hey man, you realize the wonders the Propecia/Nizoral combo have done for your hair, no?

It's amazing to see the progress (specifically the right side) on your hair line. It used to have that eroded look (kinda like mine) and it became stronger as the months went by until now - it looks really good.

It's encouraging for all of us to see your progress.


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gonna_win, if there is a lot of traffic at one time, Geocities shutdown the website for 10 to 20 minutes. The reason for that is that it's a free web space and their are limits of what you can do to it. By now the website should be back up to be viewed.


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hey action pack, would it be correct to say that you really started gaining ground around 6-7 months? the only reason i ask is that we have (or at least you HAD) that similar jagged hairline, and it really seemed to become more uniform on month 6-7, and i just finished my fifth month. i'm hoping to expect results like yours, that would be killer.


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Your mole is now hidden in a nest of hair... good looking good as usual. :D


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Action, did you know that you're famous among internet male pattern baldness fans?

too bald too furious

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Looking awesome Actionpack. you can sell your photos to propecia who can advertise it as an evidence of working on temples. You could become a millionaire dude :)


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Hmm, i find it hard to actually tell the difference iin regard to gains from people's pictures since lighting, angle, and amount the person pulls their hair so changes over time. I am soooo sorry, i don't mean to be obnoxious or rain on the parade!!! :) This is just a side comment as I am trying to think of how to do this for myself as i am about to start proscar :)

It looks like your hair has definitely stayed the same though, that much my terrible skill at evaluating this stuff can tell :)


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juststarting said:
Hmm, i find it hard to actually tell the difference iin regard to gains from people's pictures since lighting, angle, and amount the person pulls their hair so changes over time. I am soooo sorry, i don't mean to be obnoxious or rain on the parade!!! :) This is just a side comment as I am trying to think of how to do this for myself as i am about to start proscar :)

It looks like your hair has definitely stayed the same though, that much my terrible skill at evaluating this stuff can tell :)

Ok dude, LOOOOK at the mole he has on his right side, I believe, that thing showed really bad in the first few forward to today, WOWZERS!!! Great Progress!


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nexus81 said:
Looking awesome Actionpack. you can sell your photos to propecia who can advertise it as an evidence of working on temples. You could become a millionaire dude :)

Hell yea, sell yourself! Free Propecia for life!


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KevinW said:
nexus81 said:
Looking awesome Actionpack. you can sell your photos to propecia who can advertise it as an evidence of working on temples. You could become a millionaire dude :)

Hell yea, sell yourself! Free Propecia for life!

OKaiiiii, while we are on the f*****g subject Tony Montana better intervene here and claim his rights to these pictures. That is f*****g right you God man monkeys! I will claim these pictures and f*****g sell them to Propecia at my cost! I need the f*****g money to buy more drugs and invest more on hoooookers and no f*****g way I will let some f*****g smuck take that away from me! I will drive to great lenghts and break some damn bones if I have too. U f*****g GOT ME, HU ........PUNK!

That is f*****g right, I best not hear any talking bac! :p


Tony Montana