Month 4 Question


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On January 25th, I'll hit my four month mark. I must say, I haven't posted much, I pretty much just try to keep my mouth shut and learn from the more experienced users. I must say I enjoy your commentary quite a bit, blah, blah, blah.

Anyway, I've sort of been on and off with minoxidil. from the start, in addition to my daily 1.25 mg. of Fincar.

Now, I'm one of those guys with really thick black hair who you'd accuse of being crazy for thinking I have hair loss. But I have noticed diffuse thinning, and my hairline has definitely started receeding. I just manage to cover it up well, by combing my hair forward and such. Eventually, I'll post some pictures.

Anyway, I'm realizing that minoxidil. is just too much of a pain at this point. Yes, I want re-growth, but should I just wait a year (or even more) to see if the finasteride. thickens up my hair. From what I've read, it won't cause regrowth in the front, but if it fills in the hairline with thicker hair, I'll be happy.

I would almost (perhaps two years from now) rather go on generic Adov/Dust rather than combine finasteride. and minoxidil. The liquid stuff annoys me as much as the hair loss, if you can believe it.

I'm just not sure what to do. I would feel bad if one year from now, the fincar offered no thickening up.

Any advice?


The liquid stuff annoys me as much as the hair loss, if you can believe it.

At the risk of sounding like I work for the freaking guy! I once again recommend Dr Lee's minoxidil, drys in 10 minutes I sh*t you not.

Putting on minoxidil is about as much of a hassle now as brushing my teeth. Big Big difference compared to Rogaine. (Product 500 Standard minoxidil).

Nizoral shampoo is said to aid in thickening the hair.

good luck