Month 6 on propecia and wondering about former rogaine use



I have been browsing this site frequently since discovering it, just decided to post this cause i really need input. Heres my story. About June 04 i noticed temple recession and diffuse thinning in my hair. I was then 20 and decided to go see a dermatologist to get his opinion. I told him of the rampant baldness in my mothers side of the family (almost every uncle and grandpa is bald) he informed me of finasteride and i decided to go on it. He also said to use rogaine if i thought it neccessary, but only if things got worse very quick. Well around one month in i started the propecia shed. Not knowing that this shedding was a good sign, i immediatly started rogaine in the thought that i needed it to grow back shedding hair. I used the rogaine on mostly left side of the crown and left middle of my scalp as this is where shedding was worst. This is where i think i made a HUGE :cry: mistake. About three months into propecia and two into rogaine i stumbled across this site. After reading that the shedding was natural and a sign of good things to come, i stopped using the rogaine in thought that it wasnt' neccesary. Now i am 7 months in on propecia and everywhere i DID NOT use rogaine is coming along great. The hair in those spots has thickened up considerably and is very abundant. Where i did use rogaine the hair is getting worse. My left side crown is exceedingly thin, and the left middle of my scalp is almost visible through my hair. Now i am extremely angry at my dermatologist for not informing me of the shed, and even angrier at myself for using the rogaine and not discovering everything of propecia before using it. I'm just wondering now had i not used the rogaine how much better i'd be doing, and if the hair in these spots have a chance to be as thick and abundant as in the areas i didn't use rogaine. I very much will appreciate any input or info/advice as i am now constantly yelling at myself in my head for using the rogaine :cry: