Most recent dermotologist trip


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So I just got back and here is what the doctor had to say. If I am just losing my hair due to male pattern baldness, it should not be itching at all or inflamed. He took a look at my scalp and said it was pretty scaily much like my chest. I guess it is a form of acne that accutane didn't remove because I wasn't on it long enough. These are the drugs he gave me.

Clobex - a shampoo that just says it takes away itching and inflamation.

Prednisone - some pills that i take for only 3 days that take away itching and inflammation.

Olux - fome that removes itching and inflammation.

Oh, and he also gave me am onths supply of propecia. He said to just come in every month and get a months worth of samples for free cuz he said he doesnt want me wasting my money on it. Pretty nice of him if I don't say so myself. I asked him about proscar and cutting it up and he told me to stay away from it. He said that there are some differences in proscar and propecia contrary to what I've read on here but who knows.

I'm feeling pretty good about all this stuff ebcause he is definately trying to target the hair loss a lot of different ways. I will have to let you guys know how this regime works out.


New Member
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I thought one of the signs of male pattern baldness was itchy scalp...a sign that the DHT is choking your follicles??? and a little inflamation is also present??


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MeMyselfandI said:
I thought one of the signs of male pattern baldness was itchy scalp...a sign that the DHT is choking your follicles??? and a little inflamation is also present??

I thought the same thing as well but who knows. My friends that have already lost a lot of their hair say their head never itches or get inflamed so who knows.


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yeah i have seb derm and the dermatologist prescribed nizoral, olux, and said to use tgel. i cant say i like olux that much. let me know if the shampoo or pills work


Established Member
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Free Propecia every month? You should go give that guy a hug. :p