Mother thinning... feel very sorry for her


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So, my mother is losing her hair aswell... she's 55 though so it's somewhat "natural" but to see this thing happen to your own mom hurts me just as much as my own balding! She comments on it every once in a while and its starting to look pretty damn bad even on normal daylight, her hair is way thin on the same pattern as mine. I really would like to recommend a wig for her, as it's perfectly acceptable for women, but I haven't said anything yet. Mom hasn't sympathized me one bit for my hairloss although she should know how it feels, which I think is kinda weird. So for me it's obvious where I got the hairloss gene from... anyone elses mother thinning? How does it make you feel? 'Cause I know I feel like sh*t because of it.


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you are apalled that i hate my maternal grandfather for giving me this gene yet i can get undertones of resentment to your mother that she has never had any sympathy for your hair loss,i may be totally wrong and i am sorry if this is the case


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antonio666 said:
you are apalled that i hate my maternal grandfather for giving me this gene yet i can get undertones of resentment to your mother that she has never had any sympathy for your hair loss,i may be totally wrong and i am sorry if this is the case

Yeah she hasn't shown me a lot of sympathy but I don't hate my mother for it... I know that as a woman she suffers from hairloss way more than me.


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That is sad to hear ghg, this may be becuase of hormones and the age that she is, is she by any chance on HRT? because this may be the reason.

I notice a few women on their late 50's+ suffering from thinning hair, on the other hand my mum is 59 she has very good hair and she hasn't got one single grey hair, I am 34 and have a few grey hairs, life sucks.


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Do the old dear a favour and slip a bit of spironolactone in her afternoon tea.


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yeah exact same thing happening to me dude. shes 53 and shes got that thinning part line going on. i definitely got most of my genes from her. i had similar hair to hers and mine is also thinning in the same pattern but im only just shy of 23. gotta love guys with female pattern hairloss eh. really makes you feel macho. the sad thing though is that i can shave my head and she cant. its a shame. i'd give every single hair on my head away right now just to ensure that she doesnt lose hers.


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Yeah, my mom's 61 and was starting to get a baldspot, it was very noticeable. She did a lot of her own research and found soe trichologist who gave her a bunch of gunk that I havent seen mentioned on any posts on these forums. To be totally honest, her hair has grown back rally nicely and its completely unoticeable. Maybe she can check one out. Its certainly true that its worse for women than men. At least in my opinion.


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Women who have stopped ovulating or passed menopause etc can safely take finasteride or dutas. You should recommend it to her or convince her to go see a Doctor about getting on finasteride.

optimus prime

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My mum is about 58 and she has started to thin. She doesn't ever mention it but she does spend a lot more time with her hair now. I guess covering it up. My Gran made a comment about a week ago how she has no hair. That made me sad.

I not sure if I could bring myself to recommending any treatment to my mum unless she brought up the situation. If I brought it up she would maybe become paranoid.