Movie about hair loss


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Does anyone know if there's ANY non-comedy movie about the struggle? I did some googling but no luck and I think it'd be interesting to watch. it could also potentially open the eyes of some people about bald shaming.


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It would have a broad audience since most men bald at some point. Something has to make people sympathize with balding men. I think a movie would be nice as long as it's not a comedy.


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I watched a Japanese movie (with ENG subtitles) on a flight in 2011. I think the funny was called/translated in to 'Wig'. It was pretty funny and had me laughing my *** off at times due to the scenarios the balding star went through regarding his hair loss.

If I recall the first scene was him newly married to a beautiful bride, all happy and off on their honeymoon at the airport, going through the security device where it beeps - then goes back smiling taking his watch off thinking it was the problem. It beeps again, he then gets a full scan with a portable scanner and it only beeps at his head.

I've had a search and can't find 'Wig' as a movie. There is a Wig film from South Korea but it's classed as a horror. This film was a comedy and it was hilarious at times.

Do we have any Japanese who can help me out with the name?


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There's a movie about a 13 year old chubby boy who's like Norwood 6. It's called Harold. It's a comedy but wasn't that funny though.


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The public doesn't want to see a movie sympathizing for bald men because otherwise it would jeopardize their knowledge that they're better off as fullheads. They need us to be bottom of the barrel social losers to Propecia themselves up.

Plenty of comedies about us though.


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I watched a Japanese movie (with ENG subtitles) on a flight in 2011. I think the funny was called/translated in to 'Wig'. It was pretty funny and had me laughing my *** off at times due to the scenarios the balding star went through regarding his hair loss.

If I recall the first scene was him newly married to a beautiful bride, all happy and off on their honeymoon at the airport, going through the security device where it beeps - then goes back smiling taking his watch off thinking it was the problem. It beeps again, he then gets a full scan with a portable scanner and it only beeps at his head.

I've had a search and can't find 'Wig' as a movie. There is a Wig film from South Korea but it's classed as a horror. This film was a comedy and it was hilarious at times.

Do we have any Japanese who can help me out with the name?

Found it it's called Kazura


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I saw a movie called "Ok, good" a few months ago. I pretty sure the movie was a metaphor about how baldness affected the main character. Its on hulu at the moment.


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I saw a movie called "Ok, good" a few months ago. I pretty sure the movie was a metaphor about how baldness affected the main character. Its on hulu at the moment.

was that good?

Honestly I would NOT want this. All it would do is open bald guys up for more ridicule. The only thing I want to see happen is it gets covered by insurance to some degree for mental duress. Or fatso lose their insurance benefits that help them, has to be fair.

Wolf Pack

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was that good?

Honestly I would NOT want this. All it would do is open bald guys up for more ridicule. The only thing I want to see happen is it gets covered by insurance to some degree for mental duress. Or fatso lose their insurance benefits that help them, has to be fair.

My thoughts exactly. Some things are best left unsaid. No one will understand this issue.


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I remember "Ok, good" being pretty strange but done well. I don't think they ever came out and said anything about baldness in particular but it seemed to have underlining tone that reflected a lot of what a balding man may go through, as well as a lot of what is talked about on this forum.

I'll try to explain it as as best as I can but I don't mean to ruin the movie for anyone so if your interested in it, watch it before reading on. Spoiler Alert: It was shot with kind of a documentary/reality tv feel. It was about a guy (NW5/6) trying to make it in acting. He seemed to be very good at his trade but constantly overlooked and undermined. He seemed to try to embrace the deluded society view point of, just be confident and all will work out. When in reality he was already good enough but all his efforts were futile because there was something else, out of his control, that was holding him back. I say that because It kept coming back to a scene with him examining a head shot of himself that he had made photo copies of.. he kept trying to explain to people about a defect that wasn't there in the original and how he wanted the defect corrected but no one else notice it and everyone kept brushing it off as if the problem didn't exist. Eventually it broke him down and he went pretty crazy in the end. That seemed to be because the reality of the situation hit him.

I really don't know if it was written specifically with baldness in mind. Could have just been about someones dreams being shattered. I think the day I watched it was right after surfing these forms so I saw it in that light. But it seemed to share a lot of sentiments of people suffering hairloss and the main character was also the writer and I believe director so it made me think it may have all been a metaphor for baldness. Strange movie but I liked it, worth watching at least.


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was that good?

Honestly I would NOT want this. All it would do is open bald guys up for more ridicule. The only thing I want to see happen is it gets covered by insurance to some degree for mental duress. Or fatso lose their insurance benefits that help them, has to be fair.

lol reminded me of a youtube channel i saw the other day

2.5 million subscribers to watch a fatass play video games and stuff himself


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Wow. Great work Folliman. How did you find it? I tried for 5-10 mins googling "Japanese hair comedy films 2010" etc and traiing through Japanese films on Wiki by year.

I know some japanese. Not a lot, just enough to find the movie.


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I know some japanese. Not a lot, just enough to find the movie.


You should try watch the movie. I was laughing my *** off at it due to knowing all to well the situation the main character was in and felt - scared of going on the rollercoaster, cycling in the wind, etc.

Agustin Araujo

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I personally think more of a documentary about hair loss and real sufferers of the condition would be better than a movie with actors about it. The 'movie' will need to be real than something acted out in order for it to be completely serious, especially that the film would be about hair loss and how it affects the lives of those who suffer from it.

And no, unfortunately I do not know of any non-comedy movie about the struggle of hair loss.


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The public doesn't want to see a movie sympathizing for bald men because otherwise it would jeopardize their knowledge that they're better off as fullheads. They need us to be bottom of the barrel social losers to Propecia themselves up.

Plenty of comedies about us though.
Yes, they really do need us as a counterpoint