MSM-good or bad?


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MSM is supposed to make hair grow faster, and stronger(thicker diameter of hair shaft).
But in my opinion MSM does nothing for weak, miniaturized hairs. In fact, it may do harm to them, because in a balding scalp, there is fibrosis forming, which, according to some opinions, hinders the blood flow. So if the (Remaining ) healthy hairs grow stronger, they use more blood flow and more resources, thus depleting this resources for the weaker hairs.

In addition, it may alter the appearance of hair cosmetically: strong an healthy patches will become even stronger, and diffuse zones will remain, so the contrast and sketchiness will increase.

And, not the last,from my observations on my head, i think that MSM makes the healthy hairs stand "straight up", and "wiry", which is also bad for the general appearance. Thin hair that, on top of it, grows straight up the scalp, appears even thinner. Everyone knows that thin hair, when grown some length, can provide better coverage, because the lenght of the hair covers more scalp, of course, with careful styling. But fo this to happen, the hair shaft must be soft, so it can be combed and "put along" the scalp.
IF it is super-stronmg and wiry and grows straight up, it cannot be styled properly.

What do you think about this facts?


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MSM gave me diarrhea, dead srs

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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Yes, they're pretty much true, except that MSM makes hair "straight up" and "wiry" and that it could be bad for general appearance. Taking MSM is good for your hair, just keep in mind that it won't do anything to help treat Androgenetic Alopecia related problems.