MSM mixed into Rogaine???????


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Got a question for people that have been doing there regime for awhile. Im on the big 3 with awesome results. I found some pics, gonna scan and show the results soon.

I take MSM internal via capsule with Glucosamine and Chondroitin. 1500 Mgs of Glucosamine, 1200 Mgs of Chondroitin and 1500 Mgs of MSM also known as Methylsulfonylmethane.

Ok my qusetion.......Is any one taking MSM out of the capsule and putting it in there Rogaine? I caught a question in here and wasnt sure If I saw it correctly. Has anyone being doin it long and if so any results?

The 3 elements mentioned above are great for your joints, so if any of you are currently working out or doin any activity get on them orrrrrrr suffer from any injuries related to tendon / muscle or joints from the past. You also have to be on them for 3 months to fully saturate the body and get beneficial effects.


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Do you know any site with info on those 3? i had major problems with my knees some years ago, same time my hair loss started, very bad year :( ...