msm works for me:


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Maybe not as far as hairloss goes but I had this problem with my hands in the winter time, the cold dry air would cause some of my fingers to split and crack but up to a few weeks ago no problems my fingers and even the heals of my feet were smooth as a babies butt. Recently I ran out of msm and for the past couple weeks I stopped taking them (too lazy to pick some up) and they started to crack again, tomarrow I am going to the health food store to remedy this problem, also my hair would grow like crazy seemed like Iwas getting haircuts more often. I take about 2-3 grams a day.


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MSM pills worked for me too. I didn't have enough back hair, but a couple months of taking msm pills brought my back hair to an acceptable thickness/height, and I reaped the benefits of that. But you can only fly so close to the sun for so long, so I stopped taking the pills and after a nice wax my back hair was back to normal.