Multivitamin Question?


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I just bought some multivitamins from someone at work who works for some company called Usana which sells its own vitamins. The vitamins are called the healthpak 100 and cost me 100bux. My friend made it seem like these vitamins where the best thing that ever happened to her so i shelled out the 100bux and figured what the hell ill give it a try. now i just googled the company usana and it seems like its one of these network marketing pyramid scheme type deals. cause she asked me if i wanted to become a distributor but i declined. but has anyone ever tried these vitamins or did i just waste a hundred bux? the vitamins just arrived today and its twelve tablets a day 6 in the morning and 6 at nite. so who knows i prolly wasted a hundred bux.


Senior Member
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12 a day you say, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm......................................................... :uglylol:

Don't take them and ask for your money back! if you can get it back!


Established Member
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Yep. $100 right down the toilet. That girl ain't your "friend," just another shill in the pyramid.


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yea thats what i figured, at first my gullibility kicked in and i bought them thinking that they are really good vitamins cause she had books and stories and charts and im sitting there going wow these must be good vitamins. cause when someone tells u that these vitamins are the most healthy beneficial thing u can do for your body what do you say, no im not interested, so i figured ok ill try a month. then when she told me about the network marketing pyramid aspect of this company and all the warning lights went off for being a scam. oh well i guess this is a live and learn situation lol

The Gardener

Senior Member
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I'm sure the vitamins are probably quite good. I looked at their website, and they are legit from an FDA perspective.

The ripoff is that in addition to paying for the vitamins, you need to pay your friend, and all of the people above her in the marketing chain.


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thx gardener im gonna take the supply that i bought and if i like um ill just order them from else where online i found then for almost half of what i paid from various websites