Muscle loss from finasteride/Propecia


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Its been 2 months on Propecia and I've noticed I'm losing weight. Are the elevated estrogen levels in the body causing this weightloss? I'm confused as I expected it to be the other way around, gaining weight due to finasteride. Anyone else experiencing a decrease in weight while using finasteride? Maybe I should cut the dosage down to .5mg.


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If thats the only problem sounds like its all in your head.

Are you eating less? Higher estrogen will make you gain fat, I don't think I've read a single case of anyone losing weight because of finasteride.

I think you're being too quick to blame finasteride.


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I have used finasteride for 18 months or so and have noticed no weight loss. I go the the gym 3 x a week and my muscle mass has improved steadily.


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Muscle loss from finasteride would be a severe sign of hypogonadism, and I assure you that you would know for sure if that was the case, as you would be suffering from many other side effects, some of which is worse.