my 1st hair transplant was at hospital group, want my 2nd @ a diff clinic


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i had my 1st hair transplant last july at the hospital group, i now want to have a 2nd one but i dont want to go back to the hospital group, traveling out of the country is not a option so would like to know who is the best clinic to get the procedure done in england ?
please share with me your experiences


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Hi United Forever :)

My personal opinion is Dr. Rogers (Rogers Medical in Stratford), I don't think you'll get much argument that he and his clinic are pretty much as good as it gets in the UK and he performed my first procedure (and almost certainly next procedure).

It's worth considering abroad too if there is any possibility, I've heard very good things about the top American clinics and they do more density per session in some of the larger clinics; it all depends what is important to you.

Again personally, and like you, I chose to stay in the UK and am overjoyed at my results, but have always tried to weigh up all the options before deciding.


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Why is traveling not an option, if you're limiting yourself to the UK then you're limiting your final result. You've made that mistake once already.

PS Yet another satisfied Hgroup customer I see. :whistle:
I hope their rep (best-hair transplant-uk) is watching. :jackit:


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Fair enough about not wanting to travel to the US, I won't pry. Besides, I'm sure you'll be more than happy with the work Dr. Rogers will carry out for you.

From the examples I've seen and with my own procedure the only advantage the bigger American surgeons offer is density per session and Dr. Rogers will tell you this himself.

The over-all quality is pretty much the same with Rogers as it is with the US and Canadians, he even uses the same techniques and I believe lab equipment, but you might need to get it done over a few sessions.

I have images of my own precedure on my site with before and after pictures, including a couple from the day after the transplant, feel free to check them out.

Also, if it makes you feel better, even after carefully researching many of the clinics abroad and not really being limited financially (though not wanting to waste money) I felt the UK was able to offer *exactly* what I wanted with no need to travel.

Good luck with whichever option you choose, please keep us updated with your progress.

P.S. if you want to chat and your issue is sensitive, you're welcome to drop me a private message.
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hi,it would be helpfull if you post before photo's if you wish to get an honest opinion anyone making one without seeing them would be an idiot!! also how many grafts did you have transplanted s.a.f.t. you would be taken more serious if you refrain from making sarcastic comments and personal attacks ,you seem to spend a lot of time on here posting your one-sided ideas in a bullish manner
you seem to know far to much on the medical and technical side of things to be just an ex-patient and coupled with the amount of posts you have made it should bring into question why your opinion's are always negative on clinics other than american ones


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@best-uk-h/t Are you saying I'm an idiot for posting my opinion on the posters question?

I don't need to see anyones photos to express *my* opinion on who *I* think is the best hair transplant surgeon practicing in the UK.

Frankly best-uk-h/t, the way you constantly attack people and make false accusations about people who don't agree with your own opinion is really not doing your clinic of choice any favours. Also, while SAF and I don't always see eye-to-eye, the guy also had a *very* bad experience with a UK clinic so his position is understandable.
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Geminix if you would take the time to read s.a.f comments to me above your head you would see im replying to the guy who posted !!!and to the rude remarks S.A.F. made to me ,l don't no what go's on here sometimes if i said who did my Transplants l get problems from all the coalition partners yet theres you promoting Dr Rogers who by the way l had a consult with and turned him down and went with Dr westwood and l think you might find they worked at the same clinic once!by the way have you seen this guys before photos?the point i was making you can't give advice unless you see the before photos the guy might have had to much expectations on out come and another thing it would be better to wait another 4 months to see the final out come
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Geminix l have read that S.A.F. according to him had not one but 3 bad experiences with 2 clinics here in the uk , he has had no experience with the HG or with Rodgers westminster clinic or Stratford or the other 14 to 20 clinics that are working in this country so l do think that by saying all uk clinics are no good is missleading
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Geminix by the way l have looked at your webpage and l can understand your happy with your results ,so please tell me why i shouldn't be happy about my results because everytime l express my results l get a load of abuse if you look back through my posts lve even been told to die slowly yet no one says anything about these nastie comments lve had


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I'm not going to get drawn into one of your arguments, but I'll qoute you directly:
best-uk-h/t said:
hi,it would be helpfull if you post before photo's if you wish to get an honest opinion anyone making one without seeing them would be an idiot!!
Well, seeing as I did give my opinion on *exactly* what the the original poster asked, your statement clearly indicates that in your view anyone who gives an opinion is an idiot. It is not at all clear from what you have written that you only meant SAF.

You then go on to imply that I had somehow not read SAF's comments, as that is the only way I could have thought that you did not mean me. May I suggest you re-read what you have written? I ask this as once again, it's not at all clear that you're *only* aiming your remarks at SAF!

Now then, if *you* take the time to read the many posts *I* have made over the last six years on this forum, you will see that I have done considerable research into UK clinics. Furthermore, I agree with SAF that most of the clinics in this country are hatchet merchants who only rent thier inadequate faclilities to circuit surgeons.

The only area where SAF (and to be fair to SAF, many other posters) disagree on is that many people believe the standards of the *best* UK clinics are vastly inferior to the larger North American ones. My opinion based on personal experience (and that of several friends) is that the standards here are much the same unless you need a single mega-session.

If you're happy with your results, then that's brilliant, I'm happy for you (I've not actually seen any of your photos), but please stop being so insulting about it. I would say the same to SAF too, but he and I seem to get on (slightly) better than you and he :)

*edit* - I do agree that some people here have been remarkably rude to you which is not something I condone (though I can be quite "difficult" too at times). I fee however that you also come across as belligerent about your own views and that is always going to set things off on an interwebs forum.

Just look at some of the attacks and insults I put up with here, it's just words on a screen though, words which are often written by knuckle dragging morons. I try to not get too wound up by the opinions of people like that.

*2nd edit* - Apologies to UnitedForever for this thread getting off your subject and dragged into the realm of forum drama.
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geminix my comments were only directed to the guy who first posted ,and if you look at S.A.F. remarks thats the second post he made more rude comments about me ,and lm not drawing you into anything you misread my post ,my photos are on here and have been on hairtransplantnetwork for 4 years l never had any problems with anyone till i posted on this site which l have been a member for 2 years and because l told the truth about my own results from the HG l had nothing but insults there was even a guy commenting and he had not had a H/T ,if lm going to comment on any post you might make l would always use your profile name l have posted a new thread you watch the nastie comments i will get!! Geminix if you want to promote Dr Rodgers l dont mind thats your choice and l would respect that


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Bestukh/t you have previously made 2 threads that were nothing but obvious promotion for the Hospital group. That is your entire contribution to this forum. The motives for which seem seriously questionable.
All I did was point out to any newbies that they could get (much)better results elsewhere.
I've been on these boards for over 5 yrs now and apart from you the only other times I've heard the Hgroup mentioned is from people who are unhappy with the results they got there. Therefore I find it my duty as a victim of bad work to inform any people considering a hair transplant of just what I've found from my extensive experience. Even though I have mentioned a variety of other top clinics in not just the U.S but also Canada and europe you always pull the same old "S.A.F's working for the Americans" bullshit.

Try as much as you like but I've been on here long enough for people to respect my opinion and see that I'm not just here to try and drum up trade for any individual clinic unlike err ....yourself.
We have had representitives from the top clinics on here and they were upfront about it from the start and when asked to leave they did so without complaining.
If I'm such a salesman can you tell me where I've even mentioned on here who did my repair work.
And if I know alot about the medical/ technical side of things thats because I learned the hard way and I suggest anybody considering a hair transplant should educate themselves on this too.
So I'm not going anywhere and I make it my mission to guide people towards only the best respected Dr's who give consistent good results and to warn them of the amatuer hacks out there who are out to make a quick buck at their expense.
Only that way can I really help out balding guys and at the same time hopefully put the sh*t clinics out of business.
But as this thread proves once again your Hospital Group are more well known for giving people bad results than good ones.
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S.A.F. l was giving my opinion to unitedforever not you ,for some unknown reason you keep being sarcastic to me when ever the HG is mentioned , i.e. the icon with rude suggestion is this what happens to you if your on here for 5 years, look lm interested in hair so please try and act grown up ,and lets face it if your in the uk your time zone is a bit odd!!!!!! so lets get back to unitedforever post before photos would help to see what you were like before your H/T and how many grafts did you have ,l would give it another 4 months personly mate to see the end result


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Best uk.... You're about to be removed.... constant promotion of a clinic plus causing arguments n bitching. Calm down or go away. We don't need your bs

That's twice on one night I've had to ask you to cool down and I am highly suspect of both your age and intention here. Last warning