My 39 Years Old Friend Starts Thinning. Considerations.


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Last night a very good friend of mine, 39, announced to us friends (present was also his girlfriend) he cannot grow hair a bit longer anymore as it is beginning to thin. Nor can he use hair gel.

I took a look at his hair. Without gel, his hair looked even fuller than before. I looked more closely. Maybe only the left temple has the slightest recession.

I thought to myself this is how hair loss should be for everyone whose fate is to have thinning hair. It should come when you have the maturity to face it. When your life is on the right tracks. Gradually, as a natural companion to your ageing.

Not in your early twenties, when you are maybe still looking for a job, a girlfriend, your personality, and not so fast as it has happened to so many of us here.

It is just a huge difference, and a shame.


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This is what I was preparing for when expecting hairloss. Not to be disfigured in early twenties. And this is what people who tell us about how they'd shave if it started affecting them have also in mind.


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And this is what people who tell us about how they'd shave if it started affecting them have also in mind.
Also this ^
Easy to "just shave it" when you've had hair for 40 years.
When you have had it for 18,19,20 years and have not even started living... not so much.


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Last night a very good friend of mine, 39, announced to us friends (present was also his girlfriend) he cannot grow hair a bit longer anymore as it is beginning to thin. Nor can he use hair gel.

I took a look at his hair. Without gel, his hair looked even fuller than before. I looked more closely. Maybe only the left temple has the slightest recession.

I thought to myself this is how hair loss should be for everyone whose fate is to have thinning hair. It should come when you have the maturity to face it. When your life is on the right tracks. Gradually, as a natural companion to your ageing.

Not in your early twenties, when you are maybe still looking for a job, a girlfriend, your personality, and not so fast as it has happened to so many of us here.

It is just a huge difference, and a shame.

One of the top hair stylists in a salon with over forty hair stylists told me this, gel makes thinning hair look much worse.

Only pomeade (a stronger/more controlling agent) makes hair look thicker. This is for fairly short hair. (A haircut with clippers).

Long hair, even on men, actually hides Norwood three and lower scales very well. Even shoulder hair or longer.

A lot of women who are thinning/balding on this board know this. Look at Samantha's hair. It's balding, but you cannot
tell just by looking at it. It's not until she shows the scalp you realize this.

In the US, it's acceptable for men to have long hair. But very few actually do. More have it buzzed.

And the long on top, buzzed on sides can look really stupid on a Norwood 3.5 or higher.
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yea I feel the same way. When you are in your late teens/ early 20s and still trying to figure out life it is very crippling. Not to mention if you have never dated before and have anxiety.

Im sure balding still sucks at 40 but damn it has to be a hell of a lot easier...


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yea I feel the same way. When you are in your late teens/ early 20s and still trying to figure out life it is very crippling. Not to mention if you have never dated before and have anxiety.

Im sure balding still sucks at 40 but damn it has to be a hell of a lot easier...

Brain cells are less active as we age.

But age discrimination affects everybody, of every race. It's not easy. Not only do you realize your
not young, but you can never turn back the clock.

Employers don't want to pay lots of money to an older person, when an ambitious person in their
twenties will gladly take their job and replace them.

It is possible to regrow hair in your forties, but you have to take extreme measures with estrogen
based topicals/hormones or Progesterone. That, and go on higher doses of finasteride/Minoxidil then
ever before.


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Last night a very good friend of mine, 39, announced to us friends (present was also his girlfriend) he cannot grow hair a bit longer anymore as it is beginning to thin. Nor can he use hair gel.

I took a look at his hair. Without gel, his hair looked even fuller than before. I looked more closely. Maybe only the left temple has the slightest recession.

I thought to myself this is how hair loss should be for everyone whose fate is to have thinning hair. It should come when you have the maturity to face it. When your life is on the right tracks. Gradually, as a natural companion to your ageing.

Not in your early twenties, when you are maybe still looking for a job, a girlfriend, your personality, and not so fast as it has happened to so many of us here.

It is just a huge difference, and a shame.

O poor man; slight recession at 39. This generally means he'll get NW2 in 5 years and he'll never go above thick NW3 up until 65.

Such a horrible fate.

Especially when his career is on track and he gets paid at least 70k a year, given his age. Getting a small transplant would be such a difficult, hard-to-bear thing.

This is so unfortunate. So brave to talk to his friends about this; to his girlfriend especially.

O, so unfortunate.

Implying I would probably sell my soul or commit crimes in order to switch scalps with him (I'm 21, NW3 diffuse).


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O poor man; slight recession at 39. This generally means he'll get NW2 in 5 years and he'll never go above thick NW3 up until 65.

Such a horrible fate.

Especially when his career is on track and he gets paid at least 70k a year, given his age. Getting a small transplant would be such a difficult, hard-to-bear thing.

This is so unfortunate. So brave to talk to his friends about this; to his girlfriend especially.

O, so unfortunate.

Implying I would probably sell my soul or commit crimes in order to switch scalps with him (I'm 21, NW3 diffuse).

Did you even read the post?


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Slight thinning at 39 is the dream. How did he seem to be handling the situation ?

No desperation or feeling of "bad surprise"; rather, simple appraisal of a gradual and ever possible change in his body.

No frenzy to find a remedy: quiet evaluation of his possibilities in the long run. He knows perfectly he won't go NW3 in one year.

All in all, he is handling it very well. As it should be at 39, I dare say.


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No desperation or feeling of "bad suprise"; rather, simple appraisal of a gradual and ever possible change in his body.

No frenzy to find a remedy: quiet evaluation of his possibilities in the long run. He knows perfectly he won't go NW3 in one year.

All in all, he is handling it very well. As it should be at 39, I dare say.
As long as he does not suffer from BDD, he will be fine. People who suffer from BDD or self image problems are going to be more affected by losing their hair around 39 or older. No body knows for sure where they are heading. I have read some posts where aggressive balding happens to people in their 40's or 50's and older. I would think aggressive balding is the worst as it happens way too fast.


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My plan is actually:

- wait for Tsuji's invention
- quit job
- spend all severance money in booze and easy girls who like middle aged men with a lot of made in Japan hair
- die happily


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This story Roberto, is something I consider balding gracefully! People always misuse that phrase "bald gracefully." But he is at the right age to lose a little and he can easily reverse it too. male pattern baldness is a very wide spectrum disease and a lot depends on age and aggressiveness. He has nothing to worry about and he can discuss it openly and calmly.

At any age baldness will reduce your aesthetics, but at your youth, it's the hardest to take clearly. Less people are bald and you will have "aged" so badly in your 20s; when you're meant to be in your prime. Premature baldness is another kind of hell on many fronts. This will translate into different mental health, social experiences and memories. One may even be aware their life changed because if it strikes early, you never got to see yourself with a full normal head of hair anyway.

The better looking you, the greater the fall socially. Unless you have that rare specific type of face for baldness. Even then you're still not the best version of yourself, but the loss is considerably less felt. Recently I saw that thread about nadal on here and some of the comments by girls. Saying things like, eww thin hair. Or what a shame about his hair and loss of looks.

It's a terrible silent disease that will rob the soul with little empathy from others.
A funny note: he knows about my hair transplant as he is a very good friend AND he has collaborated with plastic surgeons for work, so he would have known even if I hadn't told him.

Already in the past he tried to say his hair was thinning.
However, for his sensibility, he did not even have the courage to say he was balding because HE HIMSELF knew it was a faux pas to discuss his mature thinning in front of the real bald.


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TFW you have virtually no hair loss :D

he is typical 4chan boy

7/10 and trying to fit into "ugly" guys clique with stupid memes/slang like he has same problems as incels

Nw0 with 500 tinder matches

not sure what exactly he is doing here


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he is typical 4chan boy

7/10 and trying to fit into "ugly" guys clique with stupid memes/slang like he has same problems as incels

Nw0 with 500 tinder matches

not sure what exactly he is doing here
He's a good guy.

Dave is a good example of how someones cognitive functioning, and personality can have impact on forming healthy relationships.

I believe he is a product of minimal experience.


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Dave is a nice guy

Genuinely unsure if he has male pattern baldness though