My advice on the subject.


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Hello Warriors, i just want to include my toutch on this site. I am using Finasterid for about 2 years or so 1 Mg the first year and .5 the second year. 1 month ago i just had a big shedd. So i decided to get back to 1 mg. But that's not all, ive decide to cure my illness. The disease in my head that makes me (us) medecine slave.

So i have decided to start praying for that. The only way to keep a strait thinking road.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things i canot change (the hairloss), the courage to change the things i can (take the 1 mg finasteride and the foam every days) and the wisdom to know the difference. If i come to lose my hair, id be happy and handsome, but since i am taking the necessary mesures to keep them (finasteride and foam), i am happy and handsome.

I am telling these words when i wake up the morning and when i go to sleep àt night. I am getting immune quickly. You have to think that your going to be handsome and happy if you have no hairs on your head.. much easier to keep fighting after (;

Hairloss is no big deal after all, keep the faith
And your going to will win this war.



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what the hell.. :p I don't like these picture of balls & base of penis in my thread.. i would have prefered a nice and firm pair of boops :jump: I hope i helped some people with my trick, the prayer orientation.
