My Alternative Treatment Resume And Result


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i am currently taking a DHT supplement from phyto life with saw palmetto, pumpkin seed,biotin ect ect and i am certainly noticing side effects, lower labido and possibly depression (but that might have been there already)

i been putting emu oil and rosemary on my scalp for nearly 3 months and recently added castor oil to it and while id like to say i have seen growth its hard to say since there is definitely some fairly noticeable peach fuss on my right temple but its been there at least 2 months now and it seems too stubborn to grow

also using DHT shampoo with caffeine and saw palmetto and a 1,0 derma roller.

I am trying everything and my hair is still receding and i am seeing no sign of regrowth.

I read that even for natural treatments there may be a shedding period but i just dunno.