My best option? pics attached


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Hi I can spend about 10k and live in Australia.

I want to go with woods but my dollars wont stretch very far.. What result may I get from woods with 1.5 sessions?, about 900 grafts I think.

$2000, to get to India leaving $8,000 for some work.

What can I hope to achieve?

Some strip some FUE?

I am seriously bald but have been balding since 19yo and am 33 now. My hair is stable and growing a little now.

First pic is Nov last year when I started treatment again and second is about a month ago. Im confident that I can at least hang onto the hair I have as I have been on and of treatments for 7 or so years. My hair has been worse than now in the past.


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El Nino

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Honestly, if I were you I would shave it right down and try and live with it. From your poor pics you don't look a good candidate for a hair transplant.

900 grafts would be a drop in the ocean with your degree of baldness.

El Nino

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ozadam said:
Yeah.. perhaps or maybe a wig..

Money is what I need and lots of it

A good wig might be a better option mate.

Fighting hairloss really is a long and hard battle and there is no quick fix solution. And you seem to have been dealt a worse hand than most.

Good luck with whatever you decide.


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The only people who could do anything for you would be Hassan and Wong in Canada but it will be $10,000's.


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You need far more grafts than just 900. You'll be dissatisfied and look worse if you were to go that route.

Honestly, I would just shave it off and live with it at the point you're at. Maybe get a hair piece or wig if you're that self conscious about it.


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I would also shave everything. 900 grafts is absolutely nothing in this kind of situation.

You might go to Prohair in Belgium. A very good clinic and with 10k you can get about 5000 grafts over there. They are no amateurs. Yet, your density would still be low. If there's still donor left, I would add more in a later stadium. I would go to the limit. I cant look inside your head. You are still forced to shave your head, however, with a good hairline and little hairs that still looks much much better than just bald skin. Not sure if you are willing to put so much effort and $ for a shaven look, but I would do it.


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Im 33 and have been dealing with hairloss since I was 19yo.. meds can make my hair go up and down but yeah hehe Im pretty far gone at the moment..
I took 1.5 years off proscar and rogain, have been back on them for 6 or so months so there will be a little more coming back

I think first 3 second impressions count so much, I would be happy with a little extra hair at the front and mid section. I cant really use toppic anymore but if I had just a little more hair mid/front I could get away with passing those 3 seconds without the bald guy tag..

Im really thinking of a wig but I want to continue minoxidil and try other topicals. Could I use topicals with a wig?

Is there something like a small wig that could just sit in the middle of my head?

Here is some pics i took today of how I wear my hair.
yeah my hair is thrashed (point taken)


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You cant help it either that you're dealing with hairloss. Its an agony, we all know it. :) No need to apologize or to feel embarrassed.

Yet that doesnt mean you have to make it even worse. A combover to create a hairline, ozadam, is just not good. Get rid of that. :)


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I agree with the above poster. You'll draw more attention to your head with a combover and artificial coverage than you would if you just rocked the chrome-dome. My advice is to shave it short while you're working on the treatments.


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My chrome-dome look is even worse seriously, my head is the wrong shape for a shaved look, think of the 90's movie coneheads as people have actually told me this to my face.

My only option is a wig right now.


Established Member
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Seriously man, just buzz it number 1 or 2 all over and wait for hair cloning, I'm sorry to say this but you are almost completely bald. The longer your hair the more contrast there is between the thick bits and the thin bits.

Trust me just get your barber to clip it to grade 2, it will look tons better.

El Nino

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From your first set of pics I thought you were a Norwood 7 already. But your crown hasn't gone down that far yet.

And you say you would be happy with just a hairline and a bit behind?

Maybe you are a hair transplant candidate, have you sent your pics to anyone?