My concotion of flutamide and advodart topical

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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I'm going to put 5mg advodart and 2mg flutamide and .005 oz. of dmso in 1oz. of mineral oil and apply topically .


Senior Member
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Like it's been said before, are you even sure dutasteride molecules can be absorbed into the skin topically? sometimes it's not even possible, and I'd look into this first... you can't just make ANYTHING into a topical you know.

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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The use of dmso will help in the absortion .note:finasteride has been considered for topical by merck but they went with oral because of better sales .I'm going to try it regardless , on a one inch spot just for the hell of it .


good luck, keep us informed about any progress, you should buy a pestel and motar from you local kitchen supply shop, that will allow you to grind the finasteride to a very fine powder.

good luck


Senior Member
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Kevin fretwell said:
.note:finasteride has been considered for topical by merck but they went with oral because of better sales .

This is more of an opinion than fact.

Here's a article quote:
So why has Merck applied for a topical finasteride patent? The optimistic view is that someone at Merck woke up one morning and realized that topically applied Finasteride might actually work for treatment of hair loss. Such a concept excites many people who aren't able to tolerate the side effects of Propecia ingested orally. The less optimistic, and unfortunately more realistic view is that Merck may just be trying to stake their claim for "all things Propecia".

Read the whole thing here:

Side Show Bob

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A number of people on other sited have reported some regrowth by adding some dutasteride to their Rogaine..approx. 6 caps per container.

So give us some updates on a regular basis. Good luck.

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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Awesome , thanks for that tip .I will keep you posted .