my current dermatitis cure! and advice needed


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i used to have extremely bad dermatitis and i mean really terrible, i would wash my hair and within a few hours it looked like someone had poured chip fat all over my head, when i think back it was unbelievable how greasy/oily i was.

I lose a lot of hair and eyebrows due to it, a lot on my part was picking at the sebderm flakes.

Anyways for the last year or so i have been getting treatment for a lot of hormonal issues and been taking hyrdocrotisone and cabergoline and although they helped to reduce my scalp and eyebrow problems a lot they never cured it.

I decided to give something else a go and see if it would help.

I took an empty tricomin bottle added a couple of dollops of aloe vera gel, mixed a 6-8 msm capsuled powder to it and then diluted it with water to fill the bottle. then when i get out the shower i dry my hair off a little then i drown myscalp and face with it lol.

NO more dermatitis or red scalp, no more itching or flaking or tingling or anythign my scalp feels like it did 2 years ago.

i have seen some eyebrow regrowth but no hair regrowth so far.

I've been thinking about adding some essential oils to the mix to see if they can kick start some regrowth ? like lavender,rosemary,cederwood and stuff like that, justa few drops to the mix i already have. would this be a good idea ? and can these cause any side effects?

my condition im being treated for is called prolactinoma and symptoms were

no sex drive
huge weight gain
low test
secondary hypogonadism
no body hair
no facial hair
low hgh
low cortisol
and whole load other things

so basically propecia and rogaine and the likes are a no-no for me as my hormones are out of whack as it is.

the reason i ask is i heard essential oils can have womanizing effect on males ? and since ialready have a lot of male defecincies im just wondering would a few drops into my diluted mix cause long term issues ? i leave it on all day till i was the next day.


Brains Expel Hair

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You're certainly right to be cautious about adding more bioactive compounds into the mix when your whole body is already basically fucked. Considering the amount of imbalance already occurring in your system the best thing you could do would be to figure out what's causing it all. I'd ask if you've been tested for hypothyroidism but that's pretty much a given considering the others on your list. Elevated prolactin is common in autoimmune conditions such as lupus, celiac, diabetes(I) or crohn's have you been tested for any of these? I'd imagine before your dosing of hydrocortisone that your inflammatory markers were through the roof which will wreck havoc on your hair scalp, face and body (did to me).


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well i saw all the symptoms first but they didnt really take notice of me and what i was seeing for a long time until, one day a new doctor sent me for some scans and found the prolactinoma tumor in my brain and then thats when they got the ball rolling and started checking all my other hormone levels.

yeah pre hydrocortisone my scalp was in a crazy condtion, all over pink constantly itchy/burning and it got so bad i would have to get out of bed through the night to havea cold shower to kill it off cause it didint die off itself.

The hydrocortisone defo helped relieve the itching and redness but water/aloe/msm has played a big part of killing it off completely.

so now i got my scalp and eyebrows back in control im just looking fora hair growth stimulant without risking affecting my hormones if possible ?

Brains Expel Hair

Established Member
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Sorry to hear about your doctor's findings. Minoxodil is certainly clear out of the question in your case. I know absolutely ZERO about it but other people on this board talk a lot about a chemical called RU for regrowth, you might want to read up about it's mechanisms. Assuming you're only looking at using the essential oils topically it shouldn't have a major effect on your overall hormonal levels. With the oils a little bit goes a long way so if you do decide to attempt to see if they help start off with just 2-3 drops of the stuff. I'd recommend reading up on the RU stuff first though.