
My dad and brother have a full head of hair. Why am I losing mine?


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My dad and brother have a full head of hair. Why am I losing mine? ExpertAdviceNeeded

It feels like I'm going to go bald. The corners of my head are far back. Every time I wake up from a nap, the back of my head feels really thin, like I'm touching my scalp. Thing is, my brother and father are doing fine with a full head of hair. What's going on?


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You can get the gene for male pattern baldness from quite a few generations back. I only have one known case in my family tree of male pattern baldness (my dad's dad was a solid NW3 for most of his life and is a NW5 in his 80s) and of course I got it...

Post pictures of your current hair and we can access it for you.


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Your hair loss isn't that bad at all man. You're like a Norwood 2 and the rest of your hair looks thick as hell. Your hairline might stay like that for 20 years or might change dramatically in the next few years. If you're really concerned about it, schedule an appointment with a dermatologist and look into the "famous" Big 3.

I can relate to you about it being depressing and having it get in the way of school work. I noticed my hairline receding last year and thought to myself "Damn it's probably just a mature hairline no one in my family is balding" and fast forward 6 months and it's still receding and now even my crown is starting to thin. I used to constantly research online about hair loss and male pattern baldness. I finally decided to get on the Big 3 so I could be "at rest" and feel better knowing that I'm basically doing everything I can to help my hair. Since your hair loss is so minor/early you would probably response very well to treatments.


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Your hair loss isn't that bad at all man. You're like a Norwood 2 and the rest of your hair looks thick as hell. Your hairline might stay like that for 20 years or might change dramatically in the next few years. If you're really concerned about it, schedule an appointment with a dermatologist and look into the "famous" Big 3.

I can relate to you about it being depressing and having it get in the way of school work. I noticed my hairline receding last year and thought to myself "Damn it's probably just a mature hairline no one in my family is balding" and fast forward 6 months and it's still receding and now even my crown is starting to thin. I used to constantly research online about hair loss and male pattern baldness. I finally decided to get on the Big 3 so I could be "at rest" and feel better knowing that I'm basically doing everything I can to help my hair. Since your hair loss is so minor/early you would probably response very well to treatments.

I'm just really worried the Big 3 might get in the way of my love life. I've never been in a relationship. I'm also worried it might affect any children I may produce.


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Bro no need to stress, my hair is 10x thinner than yours and all my cousins and my dad have better hair than me. Currently I'm doing a levels and I can't get through my biology or chemistry content without f*cking stressing about my hair. Your hair looks fine, relax I've seen plenty of people with hair like that, you've got plenty more years to come with good hair, don't let it get in the ways of your studies man


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most pople I see, seem to take after their mothers side anyways, paternal side doesnt seem as important. Its fact that andorgen receptor genes are on the x chromosome even though genes on both sides have some influence.


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most pople I see, seem to take after their mothers side anyways, paternal side doesnt seem as important. Its fact that andorgen receptor genes are on the x chromosome even though genes on both sides have some influence.

But my brother has a luscious, full head of head with a very low hairline. My hairline makes my forehead look huge. What are the chances of this being a mature hairline?


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Nice NW2 bro.

time to hop on finasteride.


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It looks like a NW2 to me or maybe slightly less than that. Your hair looks good, but if I were you I would begin using the big 3 to keep it. Good luck :)


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My balding corners seem to have grown larger (width: towards midline) since the start of winter break. I'm not sure if this is due to the stress from studying for my PCAT or from hair loss or from both. Does a growing corner towards the middle of your forehead indicate NW3?

- - - Updated - - -

Well FML. I felt my crown was thinning so I decided to take some pictures. Now there is a painful feeling my chest and I am more depressed than ever.

How bad is it? These are from after taking a nap. Pretty oily.

Are there any alternative to drugs? So far I'm using Nizoral for the past forever.

- - - Updated - - -

Dried with towel and attempted to brush it:

Please note, I am currently under a lot of stress, both from worrying about my hair loss and studying.


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Can be to much DHT in your scalp, some protein powders cause hair loss and 95% of steroids will make your hair fall out


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Honestly dude your "crown' spot looks just like mine. You have fine hair like mine so some scalp will show if you move your hair a certain way. Sometimes my spot it appears to "move" too, Brush the hair on the back of your head "down" and the spot then you see then is where the thinning is happening.