Today I have been considering whether to go onto Propecia or not. I took it for many years without any obvious ill effects, but I have felt much better/more energetic since I stopped (end of last year). After some research I've decided that systemic DHT suppression is not a a price worth paying for clinging on to my hair. I was convinced by the following information:
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I'm sure this is old information to you guys, but I didn't really know that much about DHT before today and for me this was pretty shocking. I thought I'd share the info with others, just in case there's anyone else here who hadn't realised how fundamental DHT actually is.
While DHT is known mostly just for male pattern hair loss and prostate problems, it is crucial to virilization and is necessary to mitigate estrogen's effects in men. [...] The function of this enzyme in the brain is still unclear.
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"Yes, Propecia does prevent DHT conversion in the muscles," advises Dr. Abraham Kryger, creator of the prescription brand Testocreme® topical testosterone and a noted lecturer in the field. "Propecia or finasteride is an enzyme blocking agent," says the Monterey, California physician and author of an upcoming book on the topic. "It prevents the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone or DHT, which plays a crucial role in both sex drive and the growth of muscle tissue. Since DHT is responsible for muscle-building at the receptor level, it does not help to have testosterone available if it cannot be used. Many men have plenty of testosterone but cannot build muscle because it is not available. The reason sex drive is suppressed with Propecia is the same...... less DHT." Though Propecia has prevented millions from hair loss, research finds that Propecia does prevent testosterone conversion to muscle and may even inhibit sex drive.
I'm sure this is old information to you guys, but I didn't really know that much about DHT before today and for me this was pretty shocking. I thought I'd share the info with others, just in case there's anyone else here who hadn't realised how fundamental DHT actually is.