My Derm Doctor said Propecia might damaging you sperm


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My derm doctor said there was never a test done about damaging sperm. Might it damage sperm? he doesn't know. Also he said since the medicine is fair new, 6-7 years... it might always cause prostate cancer... but no one knows.... he wouldn't recommand it.

I think he is a dumbass, trying to scare me.... I told him, I am only 25 and single, i don't wanna be bored...

I do experience some sexually side effect. does anyone done any research on damaging sperm thing?


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i was worried about those potential side effects.. your docs just being cautious which is agood quality in a doctor i think.

If these side effects do happen its gonna happen to the ppl that started 6-7 years ago before itll happen to you. These guys are the real genni pigs.

I really doubt there will be a propecia fallout :freaked:


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The interesting thing is that Propecia has been around for a lot longer then 6 to 7 years in the form of Proscar which carries an even higher dosage of 5 mg. Perhaps your Doctor is overly protective or just doesnt know much about the drug...


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brasileirao said:
The interesting thing is that Propecia has been around for a lot longer then 6 to 7 years in the form of Proscar which carries an even higher dosage of 5 mg. Perhaps your Doctor is overly protective or just doesnt know much about the drug...

the only thing i am worrying about is I am 25. I want to have a baby in the next 2-3 years. Having healthy baby is more important than keeping hair... they done test on rats, but not on humans...



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peterteg1999 said:
My derm doctor said there was never a test done about damaging sperm. Might it damage sperm? he doesn't know. Also he said since the medicine is fair new, 6-7 years... it might always cause prostate cancer... but no one knows.... he wouldn't recommand it.

I think he is a dumbass, trying to scare me.... I told him, I am only 25 and single, i don't wanna be bored...

I do experience some sexually side effect. does anyone done any research on damaging sperm thing?

Finasteride _does not_ damage sperm and its presence is mostly unnoticeable in semen.

Here's a link:



Experienced Member
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I usually try to keep my posts positive, but I think your doctor is a f*cking moron! I baffles me how people can be so smart and knowledgeable in one area, and so stupid in another.

But he's not the first. My derm doesn't have any notion of logic, either. He told me to go on minoxidil. His rationale: "Do you really want to commit to taking a pill every day for the rest of your life?" HELLO!!! I am commiting to being a SLAVE to minoxidil, which you have to apply TWICE a day, and it takes not 5 seconds buy 5 minutes every time!

But back to positive light, nobody knows everything.


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elguapo said:
I usually try to keep my posts positive, but I think your doctor is a f*cking moron! I baffles me how people can be so smart and knowledgeable in one area, and so stupid in another..

I think most Dr.s are just trying to cover their ***....I mean c'mon we've become a sue happy society...


Established Member
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ah.. but he is true.. noone does know.

Look at HRT (hormone replacement therapy)..